
Sirach 5:4–8

Say not, ‘I have sinned, gbut what ihappened unto me?’g

For Jahveh is longsufferingh.

Count not upon forgiveness,

That thou shouldst add sin to sin.

kAnd say not, l‘His mercies are greatl,

mHe will forgive the multitude of mine iniquities’mk;

For mercy and wrath are with Him,

And His indignation abideth upon the ungodly.

Delay not to turn unto Him,

And put (it) not off from day to day;

For suddenly doth His wrath come forthn,

And in the timeo of vengeance thou shalt perish.

HA Trust not in unrighteous gains,

For they shall profit (thee) nothing in the day of wrath.

(e) 5:9–6:1. On the Need of Straightforwardness in Speech

(= 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 distichs).


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