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Sirach 30

30 He that loveth his son bwill continueb (to lay) cstrokes upon himc,

That he may rejoice over him at the last.

He that disciplineth his son dshall have satisfactiond of him,

And among ehis acquaintancee glory in him.

He that teacheth his son maketh his enemy jealous,

And in the presence of friends exulteth in him.

When his father dieth fhe dieth not altogetherf,.

For he hath left one behind him like himself.

In his life he sawg and rejoicedh,

And in death he hath not been grieved.

iAgainst enemies he hath left behind jan avengerj,

And to friends one that requiteth favouri.

kHe that pampereth his sonk lshall bind up his woundsl,

And his heart mtremblethm at every cry.

An unbroken horse nbecometh stubbornn,

And a son oleft at largeo pbecometh headstrongp.

G qCockerq thy son rand he will terrify theer;

sPlay with hims tand he will grieve theet.

10 uLaugh not with himu, vlest he vex theev,

vvAnd make thee gnash thy teethvv at the last.

HB 11 wLet him not have freedomw in his youth,

xAnd overlook notx yhis mischievous actsy.

12 z aBow down his neck in his youtha,

And smite his loins sore while he is littlez

Lestb he become stubbornb cand rebel against theec,

dAnd thou experience anguish of soul on his accountd.

13 Discipline thy son eand make his yoke heavye,

Lest fin his follyf ghe stumbleg.

(b) 30:14–20. The blessing of good health

(= 3 + 1 + 3 distichs).

14 Better is one that is poor, hand is healthy in his bodyh,

Than a rich man who is plagued in his flesh.

HB 15 iHealth and soundnessi jhave I desiredj more than fine gold,

kAnd a cheerful spiritk lmore than pearlsl.

16 There is no wealth mabove the wealthm nof a sound bodyn,

And no nngoodnn above oa good dispositiono.

17 pBetter death qthan a wretched lifeq,

And eternal rest rthan continual painr p.

18 Good things spoured outs before a mouth that is closed

tAre as an offeringt uthat is placed before an idolu.

19 vHow can (such) wprofitw xthe imagesx of the heathen

Which are unable either to eat or smelly?

HB zSo is he who possesseth wealth,

aAnd hath no enjoymenta bof itb z:

20 cHe seeth itc with his eyes cand sighethc,

As da eunuchd that embraceth a maidene v.

(c) 30:21–25. An exhortation to dismiss sorrow and care

(= 2 + 2 + 2 distichs).

21 Give not thy soul eeto sorrowee,

fAnd let not thyself become unsteadied with caref.

22 Heart-joy is life for a man,

And human gladness ffprolongeth daysff.

23 gEntice thyselfg hand sootheh thine heart,

And ibanishi jvexationj from thee:

For sorrow khath slaink many,

And there is no lprofitl min vexationm.

HB 24 Envy and anger shorten days,

And anxiety nmaketh old untimelyn.

(= G 33:13 b, c) 25 oThe sleepo pof a cheerful heart is like daintiesp,

qAnd his food is agreeable unto himq.

(d) 31:(34:)1–4. The anxieties of poverty and riches

(= 2 + 2 distichs).

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