The Holman Christian Standard Bible
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8 If only I could treat you like my brother, f

one who nursed at my mother’s breasts,

I would find you in public and kiss you,

and no one would scorn me.

2 I would lead you, I would take you,

to the house of my mother g who taught me. h

I would give you spiced wine to drink

from my pomegranate juice.

3 His left hand is under my head,

and his right arm embraces me. i

4 Young women of Jerusalem, I charge you:

do not stir up or awaken love

until the appropriate time. j

Y 5 Who is this k coming up from the wilderness,

leaning on the one she loves?

W I awakened you under the apricot tree. l

There your mother conceived you;

there she conceived and gave you birth.

6 Set me as a seal on your heart,

as a seal on your arm. m

For love is as strong as death; n

ardent love is as unrelenting as * Sheol.

Love’s flames are fiery flames o

the fiercest of all. p

7 Mighty waters cannot extinguish love;

rivers cannot sweep it away.

If a man were to give all his wealth q for love, r

it would be utterly scorned.

B 8 Our sister is young;

she has no breasts. s

What will we do for our sister

on the day she is spoken for?

9 If she is a wall,

we will build a silver parapet on it.

If she is a door,

we will enclose it with cedar planks. t u

W 10 I am v a wall

and my breasts like towers.

So in his eyes I have become

like one who finds peace. w

11 Solomon owned a vineyard in Baal-hamon. x

He leased the vineyard to tenants. y

Each was to bring for his fruit

1,000 pieces of silver. z

12 I have my own vineyard. a b

The 1,000 are for you, Solomon,

but 200 for those who guard its fruits.

M 13 You c who dwell in the gardens—

companions d are listening for your voice—

let me hear you! e

W 14 Hurry to me, my love,

and be like a gazelle

or a young stag

on the mountains of spices. f


About The Holman Christian Standard Bible

The complete Holman Christian Standard Bible® is now available for the first time ever! More than fifteen years in the making, crafted by the shared expertise of nearly a hundred conservative scholars and English stylists, the Holman CSB® sets the standard in painstaking biblical accuracy and pure literary form.

Accurate, yet highly readable, it's a translation committed to leaving both the grace and gravity of the original languages intact while carefully creating a smooth flow of wording for the reader.

Stylistically, this inaugural edition contributes to the clarity of the written Word, arranging the poetic portions of the Scripture into complete lines of thought, and revering God's presence on each page by capitalizing all the pronouns that refer to Him.

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