
An Exposition of the Gospel of St. John is unavailable, but you can change that!

John MacEvilly’s exposition of the gospel of John offers a clear, Catholic, passage-by-passage interpretation of the text. It combines traditional exegesis with moral exhortation and so has been widely used as a daily devotional. The work was originally intended for laymen, but quickly found a place as a textbook in seminary education and has seen numerous editions.

4. “Said to them,” viz., the sisters, through the messenger, “not unto death,” will not terminate in death, but has for object, the glory of God; or, is not meant to end in the death which, as you apprehend, will close his mortal life; since, he was to be soon again resuscitated. “But for the glory of God.” To promote and manifest God’s glory; when men seeing the miracle, would believe in our Lord, as Son of God, and thus glorify the Father and the Son. This is explained in the following words, “that
John 11:4