
Surveying the Pentateuch is unavailable, but you can change that!

Surveying the Pentateuch is a part of the Learn the Word Bible Survey Series, which unites thirty-nine esteemed Bible teachers, to accomplish one lofty task: to provide a user-friendly, theologically conservative, and financially affordable resource within the grasp of every serious student of the Word. The contributors of this series are comprised of college and seminary professors, as well as...

The Garden of Eden was planted by God specifically for man’s enjoyment. Notice the references to pleasant sights and tastes (Gen. 2:9; 3:6).31 God also intentionally planted the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He then placed man in the garden to care for them. This demonstrates that work and responsibility are part of God’s original design, not a result of the fall into sin. God invited Adam to eat from any tree of the garden (including
Genesis 2:8–17