
Prayer: A Guide for the Perplexed is unavailable, but you can change that!

At the heart of Christian life and liturgy is the practice of prayer, that distinctive and yet utterly perplexing act, which believers and non-believers alike struggle to understand. Drawing on the rich resources of the Christian tradition of prayer and spirituality (including Origen, Augustine, the Reformers, Karl Barth, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Thomas Merton), liturgical resources, and...

Following the logic of the ‘Prayer of Preparation’, in prayer the idols of the heart are made known, cleansed and incorporated into the praise of God. ‘Amen’ is offered in the celebratory hope that despite the fragility of language, the inevitable risk of idolatry, the propensity for human language to control and ‘master’, the recurring temptation to resolution and neatness, despite all this, human speech about God is made possible by its very speech to God. And in the doxological praise of God,
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