The New Revised Standard Version
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(Mt 20:26–28; Phil 2:3–8)

17 My child, perform your tasks with humility;c

then you will be loved by those whom God accepts.

18 The greater you are, the more you must humble yourself;

so you will find favor in the sight of the Lord.d

20 For great is the might of the Lord;

but by the humble he is glorified.

21 Neither seek what is too difficult for you,

nor investigate what is beyond your power.

22 Reflect upon what you have been commanded,

for what is hidden is not your concern.

23 Do not meddle in matters that are beyond you,

for more than you can understand has been shown you.

24 For their conceit has led many astray,

and wrong opinion has impaired their judgment.

25 Without eyes there is no light;

without knowledge there is no wisdom.e

26 A stubborn mind will fare badly at the end,

and whoever loves danger will perish in it.

27 A stubborn mind will be burdened by troubles,

and the sinner adds sin to sins.

28 When calamity befalls the proud, there is no healing,

for an evil plant has taken root in him.

29 The mind of the intelligent appreciates proverbs,

and an attentive ear is the desire of the wise.


About The New Revised Standard Version

The original Revised Standard Version served as a standard for nearly forty years. The New Revised Standard Version with Apocrypha maintains the traditions of the older version with fresh new vocabulary and modern English construction.


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