New Century Version
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8 I wish you were like my brother

who fed at my mother’s breasts.

If I found you outside,

I would kiss you,

and no one would look down on me.

I would lead you and bring you

to my mother’s house;

she is the one who taught me.

I would give you a drink of spiced wine

from my pomegranates.

The Woman Speaks to the Friends

My lover’s left hand is under my head,

and his right arm holds me tight.

Women of Jerusalem,

promise not to awaken

or excite my feelings of love

until it is ready.

The Friends Speak

Who is this coming out of the desert,

leaning on her lover?

The Man Speaks to the Woman

I woke you under the apple tree

where you were born;

there your mother gave birth to you.

Put me like a seal on your heart,

like a seal on your arm.

Love is as strong as death;

jealousy is as strong as the grave.

Love bursts into flames

and burns like a hot fire.

Even much water cannot put out the flame of love;

floods cannot drown love.

If a man offered everything in his house for love,

people would totally reject it.

The Woman’s Brothers Speak

We have a little sister,

and her breasts are not yet grown.

What should we do for our sister

on the day she becomes engaged?

If she is a wall,

we will put silver towers on her.

If she is a door,

we will protect her with cedar boards.

The Woman Speaks

10  I am a wall,

and my breasts are like towers.

So I was to him,

as one who brings happiness.

11  Solomon had a vineyard at Baal Hamon.

He rented the vineyards for others to tend,

and everyone who rented had to pay

twenty-five pounds of silver for the fruit.

12  But my own vineyard is mine to give.

Solomon, the twenty-five pounds of silver are for you,

and five pounds are for those who tend the fruit.

The Man Speaks to the Woman

13  You who live in the gardens,

my friends are listening for your voice;

let me hear it.

The Woman Speaks to the Man

14  Hurry, my lover,

be like a gazelle

or a young deer

on the mountains where spices grow.


About New Century Version

The New Century Version is one of the easiest translations of the Bible to understand. It accurately communicates the messages found in the original languages of biblical manuscripts, using the kind of terms you use every day. It uses contemporary language with down-to-earth vocabulary. The end result is a fresh, straightforward, and strong translations of God’s truth; and it is something you can connect with in your daily life. You’ll find it easier to experience God's Word as it truly is—absolutely clear, powerfully alive, and completely life-changing.


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