New Century Version
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A Prayer to Bring Israel Back

For the director of music. To the tune of “Lilies of the Agreement.” A psalm of Asaph.

80 Shepherd of Israel, listen to us.

You lead the people of Joseph like a flock.

You sit on your throne between the gold creatures with wings.

Show your greatness to the people of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh.

Use your strength,

and come to save us.

God, take us back.

Show us your kindness so we can be saved.

Lord God All-Powerful,

how long will you be angry

at the prayers of your people?

You have fed your people with tears;

you have made them drink many tears.

You made those around us fight over us,

and our enemies make fun of us.

God All-Powerful, take us back.

Show us your kindness so we can be saved.

You brought us out of Egypt as if we were a vine.

You forced out other nations and planted us in the land.

You cleared the ground for us.

Like a vine, we took root and filled the land.

10  We covered the mountains with our shade.

We had limbs like the mighty cedar tree.

11  Our branches reached the Mediterranean Sea,

and our shoots went to the Euphrates River.

12  So why did you pull down our walls?

Now everyone who passes by steals from us.

13  Like wild pigs they walk over us;

like wild animals they feed on us.

14  God All-Powerful, come back.

Look down from heaven and see.

Take care of us, your vine.

15  You planted this shoot with your own hands

and strengthened this child.

16  Now it is cut down and burned with fire;

you destroyed us by your angry looks.

17  With your hand,

strengthen the one you have chosen for yourself.

18  Then we will not turn away from you.

Give us life again, and we will call to you for help.

19  Lord God All-Powerful, take us back.

Show us your kindness so we can be saved.


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