New Century Version
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A Song for the King’s Wedding

For the director of music. To the tune of “Lilies.” A maskil. A love song of the sons of Korah.

45 Beautiful words fill my mind.

I am speaking of royal things.

My tongue is like the pen of a skilled writer.

You are more handsome than anyone,

and you are an excellent speaker,

so God has blessed you forever.

Put on your sword, powerful warrior.

Show your glory and majesty.

In your majesty win the victory

for what is true and right.

Your power will do amazing things.

Your sharp arrows will enter

the hearts of the king’s enemies.

Nations will be defeated before you.

God, your throne will last forever and ever.

You will rule your kingdom with fairness.

You love right and hate evil,

so God has chosen you from among your friends;

he has set you apart with much joy.

Your clothes smell like myrrh, aloes, and cassia.

From palaces of ivory

music comes to make you happy.

Kings’ daughters are among your honored women.

Your bride stands at your right side

wearing gold from Ophir.

10  Listen to me, daughter; look and pay attention.

Forget your people and your father’s family.

11  The king loves your beauty.

Because he is your master, you should obey him.

12  People from the city of Tyre have brought a gift.

Wealthy people will want to meet you.

13  The princess is very beautiful.

Her gown is woven with gold.

14  In her beautiful clothes she is brought to the king.

Her bridesmaids follow behind her,

and they are also brought to him.

15  They come with happiness and joy;

they enter the king’s palace.

16  You will have sons to replace your fathers.

You will make them rulers through all the land.

17  I will make your name famous from now on,

so people will praise you forever and ever.


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