New Century Version
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Praise God Who Creates and Saves

33 Sing to the Lord, you who do what is right;

honest people should praise him.

Praise the Lord on the harp;

make music for him on a ten-stringed lyre.

Sing a new song to him;

play well and joyfully.

God’s word is true,

and everything he does is right.

He loves what is right and fair;

the Lord’s love fills the earth.

The sky was made at the Lord’s command.

By the breath from his mouth, he made all the stars.

He gathered the water of the sea into a heap.

He made the great ocean stay in its place.

All the earth should worship the Lord;

the whole world should fear him.

He spoke, and it happened.

He commanded, and it appeared.

10  The Lord upsets the plans of nations;

he ruins all their plans.

11  But the Lord’s plans will stand forever;

his ideas will last from now on.

12  Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord,

the people he chose for his very own.

13  The Lord looks down from heaven

and sees every person.

14  From his throne he watches

all who live on earth.

15  He made their hearts

and understands everything they do.

16  No king is saved by his great army.

No warrior escapes by his great strength.

17  Horses can’t bring victory;

they can’t save by their strength.

18  But the Lord looks after those who fear him,

those who put their hope in his love.

19  He saves them from death

and spares their lives in times of hunger.

20  So our hope is in the Lord.

He is our help, our shield to protect us.

21  We rejoice in him,

because we trust his holy name.

22  Lord, show your love to us

as we put our hope in you.


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The New Century Version is one of the easiest translations of the Bible to understand. It accurately communicates the messages found in the original languages of biblical manuscripts, using the kind of terms you use every day. It uses contemporary language with down-to-earth vocabulary. The end result is a fresh, straightforward, and strong translations of God’s truth; and it is something you can connect with in your daily life. You’ll find it easier to experience God's Word as it truly is—absolutely clear, powerfully alive, and completely life-changing.


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