New Century Version
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The Woman of Adultery

7 My son, remember what I say, and treasure my commands.

Obey my commands, and you will live.

Guard my teachings as you would your own eyes.

Remind yourself of them;

write them on your heart as if on a tablet.

Treat wisdom as a sister,

and make understanding your closest friend.

Wisdom and understanding will keep you away from adultery,

away from the unfaithful wife and her pleasing words.

Once while I was at the window of my house

I looked out through the shutters

and saw some foolish, young men.

I noticed one of them had no wisdom.

He was walking down the street near the corner

on the road leading to her house.

It was the twilight of the evening;

the darkness of the night was just beginning.

10  Then the woman approached him,

dressed like a prostitute

and planning to trick him.

11  She was loud and stubborn

and never stayed at home.

12  She was always out in the streets or in the city squares,

waiting around on the corners of the streets.

13  She grabbed him and kissed him.

Without shame she said to him,

14  “I made my fellowship offering and took some of the meat home.

Today I have kept my special promises.

15  So I have come out to meet you;

I have been looking for you and have found you.

16  I have covered my bed

with colored sheets from Egypt.

17  I have made my bed smell sweet

with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

18  Come, let’s make love until morning.

Let’s enjoy each other’s love.

19  My husband is not home;

he has gone on a long trip.

20  He took a lot of money with him

and won’t be home for weeks.”

21  By her clever words she made him give in;

by her pleasing words she led him into doing wrong.

22  All at once he followed her,

like an ox led to the butcher,

like a deer caught in a trap

23  and shot through the liver with an arrow.

Like a bird caught in a trap,

he didn’t know what he did would kill him.

24  Now, my sons, listen to me;

pay attention to what I say.

25  Don’t let yourself be tricked by such a woman;

don’t go where she leads you.

26  She has ruined many good men,

and many have died because of her.

27  Her house is on the road to death,

the road that leads down to the grave.


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