New Century Version
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29 Whoever is stubborn after being corrected many times

will suddenly be hurt beyond cure.

When good people do well, everyone is happy,

but when evil people rule, everyone groans.

Those who love wisdom make their parents happy,

but friends of prostitutes waste their money.

If a king is fair, he makes his country strong,

but if he takes gifts dishonestly, he tears his country down.

Those who give false praise to their neighbors

are setting a trap for them.

Evil people are trapped by their own sin,

but good people can sing and be happy.

Good people care about justice for the poor,

but the wicked are not concerned.

People who make fun of wisdom cause trouble in a city,

but wise people calm anger down.

When a wise person takes a foolish person to court,

the fool only shouts or laughs, and there is no peace.

10  Murderers hate an honest person

and try to kill those who do right.

11  Foolish people lose their tempers,

but wise people control theirs.

12  If a ruler pays attention to lies,

all his officers will become wicked.

13  The poor person and the cruel person are alike

in that the Lord gave eyes to both of them.

14  If a king judges poor people fairly,

his government will continue forever.

15  Correction and punishment make children wise,

but those left alone will disgrace their mother.

16  When there are many wicked people, there is much sin,

but those who do right will see them destroyed.

17  Correct your children, and you will be proud;

they will give you satisfaction.

18  Where there is no word from God, people are uncontrolled,

but those who obey what they have been taught are happy.

19  Words alone cannot correct a servant,

because even if they understand, they won’t respond.

20  Do you see people who speak too quickly?

There is more hope for a foolish person than for them.

21  If you spoil your servants when they are young,

they will bring you grief later on.

22  An angry person causes trouble;

a person with a quick temper sins a lot.

2 Pride will ruin people,

but those who are humble will be honored.

24  Partners of thieves are their own worst enemies.

If they have to testify in court, they are afraid to say anything.

25  Being afraid of people can get you into trouble,

but if you trust the Lord, you will be safe.

26  Many people want to speak to a ruler,

but justice comes only from the Lord.

27  Good people hate those who are dishonest,

and the wicked hate those who are honest.


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The New Century Version is one of the easiest translations of the Bible to understand. It accurately communicates the messages found in the original languages of biblical manuscripts, using the kind of terms you use every day. It uses contemporary language with down-to-earth vocabulary. The end result is a fresh, straightforward, and strong translations of God’s truth; and it is something you can connect with in your daily life. You’ll find it easier to experience God's Word as it truly is—absolutely clear, powerfully alive, and completely life-changing.


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