New Century Version
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More Wise Sayings of Solomon

25 These are more wise sayings of Solomon, copied by the men of Hezekiah king of Judah.

God is honored for what he keeps secret.

Kings are honored for what they can discover.

No one can measure the height of the skies or the depth of the earth.

So also no one can understand the mind of a king.

Remove the scum from the silver,

so the silver can be used by the silversmith.

Remove wicked people from the king’s presence;

then his government will be honest and last a long time.

Don’t brag to the king

and act as if you are great.

It is better for him to give you a higher position

than to bring you down in front of the prince.

Because of something you have seen,

do not quickly take someone to court.

What will you do later

when your neighbor proves you wrong?

If you have an argument with your neighbor,

don’t tell other people what was said.

10  Whoever hears it might shame you,

and you might not ever be respected again.

11  The right word spoken at the right time

is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl.

12  A wise warning to someone who will listen

is as valuable as gold earrings or fine gold jewelry.

13  Trustworthy messengers refresh those who send them,

like the coolness of snow in the summertime.

14  People who brag about gifts they never give

are like clouds and wind that give no rain.

15  With patience you can convince a ruler,

and a gentle word can get through to the hard-headed.

16  If you find honey, don’t eat too much,

or it will make you throw up.

17  Don’t go to your neighbor’s house too often;

too much of you will make him hate you.

18  When you lie about your neighbors,

it hurts them as much as a club, a sword, or a sharp arrow.

19  Trusting unfaithful people when you are in trouble

is like eating with a broken tooth or walking with a crippled foot.

20  Singing songs to someone who is sad

is like taking away his coat on a cold day

or pouring vinegar on soda.

21  If your enemy is hungry, feed him.

If he is thirsty, give him a drink.

22  Doing this will be like pouring burning coals on his head,

and the Lord will reward you.

23  As the north wind brings rain,

telling gossip brings angry looks.

24  It is better to live in a corner on the roof n

than inside the house with a quarreling wife.

25  Good news from a faraway place

is like a cool drink when you are tired.

26  A good person who gives in to evil

is like a muddy spring or a dirty well.

27  It is not good to eat too much honey,

nor does it bring you honor to brag about yourself.

28  Those who do not control themselves

are like a city whose walls are broken down.


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