New Century Version
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Rules for the Nazirites

6 The Lord said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites: ‘If men or women want to promise to belong to the Lord in a special way, they will be called Nazirites. During this time, they must not drink wine or beer, or vinegar made from wine or beer. They must not even drink grape juice or eat grapes or raisins. While they are Nazirites, they must not eat anything that comes from the grapevine, even the seeds or the skin.

“ ‘During the time they have promised to belong to the Lord, they must not cut their hair. They must be holy until this special time is over. They must let their hair grow long. During their special time of belonging to the Lord, Nazirites must not go near a dead body. Even if their own father, mother, brother, or sister dies, they must not touch them, or they will become unclean. They must still keep their promise to belong to God in a special way. While they are Nazirites, they belong to the Lord in a special way.

“ ‘If they are next to someone who dies suddenly, their hair, which was part of their promise, has been made unclean. So they must shave their head seven days later to be clean. 10 Then on the eighth day, they must bring two doves or two young pigeons to the priest at the entrance to the Meeting Tent. 11 The priest will offer one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering. This removes sin so they will belong to the Lord. (They had sinned because they were near a dead body.) That same day they will again promise to let their hair grow 12 and give themselves to the Lord for another special time. They must bring a male lamb a year old as a penalty offering. The days of the special time before don’t count, because they became unclean during their first special time.

13 “ ‘This is the teaching for the Nazirites. When the promised time is over, they must go to the entrance of the Meeting Tent 14 and give their offerings to the Lord. They must offer a year-old male lamb that has nothing wrong with it, as a burnt offering, a year-old female lamb that has nothing wrong with it, as a sin offering, and a male sheep that has nothing wrong with it, for a fellowship offering. 15 They must also bring the grain offerings and drink offerings that go with them. And they must bring a basket of bread made without yeast, loaves made with fine flour mixed with oil, and wafers made without yeast spread with oil.

1“ ‘The priest will give these offerings to the Lord and make the sin offering and the burnt offering. 17 Then he will kill the male sheep as a fellowship offering to the Lord; along with it, he will present the basket of bread made without yeast, the grain offering, and the drink offering.

18 “ ‘The Nazirites must go to the entrance of the Meeting Tent and shave off their hair that they grew for their promise. The hair will be put in the fire that is under the sacrifice of the fellowship offering.

19 “ ‘After the Nazirites cut off their hair, the priest will give them a boiled shoulder from the male sheep. From the basket he will also give a loaf and a wafer, both made without yeast. 20 Then the priest will present them to the Lord. They are holy and belong to the priest. Also, he is to present the breast and the thigh from the male sheep. After that, the Nazirites may drink wine.

21 “ ‘This is the teaching for the Nazirites who make a promise. Everyone who makes the Nazirite promise must give all of these gifts to the Lord. If they promised to do more, they must keep their promise, according to the teaching of the Nazirites.’ ”

The Priests’ Blessings

22 The Lord said to Moses, 2“Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you should bless the Israelites. Say to them:

24  “May the Lord bless you and keep you.

25  May the Lord show you his kindness

and have mercy on you.

26  May the Lord watch over you

and give you peace.” ’

27 “So Aaron and his sons will bless the Israelites with my name, and I will bless them.”


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