New Century Version
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24 Balaam saw that the Lord wanted to bless Israel, so he did not try to use any magic but looked toward the desert. When Balaam saw the Israelites camped in their tribes, the Spirit of God took control of him, and he gave this message:

“This is the message of Balaam son of Beor,

the message of a man who sees clearly;

this is the message of a man who hears the words of God.

I see a vision from the Almighty,

and my eyes are open as I fall before him.

Your tents are beautiful, people of Jacob!

So are your homes, Israel!

Your tents spread out like valleys,

like gardens beside a river.

They are like spices planted by the Lord,

like cedar trees growing by the water.

Israel’s water buckets will always be full,

and their crops will have plenty of water.

Their king will be greater than Agag;

their kingdom will be very great.

God brought them out of Egypt;

they are as strong as a wild ox.

They will defeat their enemies

and break their enemies’ bones;

they will shoot them with arrows.

Like a lion, they lie waiting to attack;

like a lioness, no one would be brave enough to wake them.

Anyone who blesses you will be blessed,

and anyone who curses you will be cursed.”

10 Then Balak was angry with Balaam, and he pounded his fist. He said to Balaam, “I called you here to curse my enemies, but you have continued to bless them three times. 11 Now go home! I said I would pay you well, but the Lord has made you lose your reward.”

12 Balaam said to Balak, “When you sent messengers to me, I told them, 13 ‘Balak could give me his palace filled with silver and gold, but I still cannot go against the Lord’s commands. I could not do anything, good or bad, on my own, but I must say what the Lord says.’ 14 Now I am going back to my own people, but I will tell you what these people will do to your people in the future.”

Balaam’s Final Message

15 Then Balaam gave this message:

“This is the message of Balaam son of Beor,

the message of a man who sees clearly;

16  this is the message of a man who hears the words of God.

I know well the Most High God.

I see a vision from the Almighty,

and my eyes are open as I fall before him.

17  I see someone who will come someday,

someone who will come, but not soon.

A star will come from Jacob;

a ruler will rise from Israel.

He will crush the heads of the Moabites

and smash the skulls of the sons of Sheth.

18  Edom will be conquered;

his enemy Edom will be conquered,

but Israel will grow wealthy.

19  A ruler will come from the descendants of Jacob

and will destroy those left in the city.”

20 Then Balaam saw Amalek and gave this message:

“Amalek was the most important nation,

but Amalek will be destroyed at last.”

21 Then Balaam saw the Kenites and gave this message:

“Your home is safe,

like a nest on a cliff.

22  But you Kenites will be burned up;

Assyria will keep you captive.”

23 Then Balaam gave this message:

“No one can live when God does this.

24  Ships will sail from the shores of Cyprus

and defeat Assyria and Eber,

but they will also be destroyed.”

25 Then Balaam got up and returned home, and Balak also went on his way.


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