New Century Version
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Zophar Speaks to Job

11 Then Zophar the Naamathite answered:

“Should these words go unanswered?

Is this talker in the right?

Your lies do not make people quiet;

people should correct you when you make fun of God.

You say, ‘My teachings are right,

and I am clean in God’s sight.’

I wish God would speak

and open his lips against you

and tell you the secrets of wisdom,

because wisdom has two sides.

Know this: God has even forgotten some of your sin.

“Can you understand the secrets of God?

Can you search the limits of the Almighty?

His limits are higher than the heavens; you cannot reach them!

They are deeper than the grave; you cannot understand them!

His limits are longer than the earth

and wider than the sea.

10  “If God comes along and puts you in prison

or calls you into court, no one can stop him.

11  God knows who is evil,

and when he sees evil, he takes note of it.

12  A fool cannot become wise

any more than a wild donkey can be born tame.

13  “You must give your whole heart to him

and hold out your hands to him for help.

14  Put away the sin that is in your hand;

let no evil remain in your tent.

15  Then you can lift up your face without shame,

and you can stand strong without fear.

16  You will forget your trouble

and remember it only as water gone by.

17  Your life will be as bright as the noonday sun,

and darkness will seem like morning.

18  You will feel safe because there is hope;

you will look around and rest in safety.

19  You will lie down, and no one will scare you.

Many people will want favors from you.

20  But the wicked will not be able to see,

so they will not escape.

Their only hope will be to die.”


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