
Haters of Good, Lovers of Evil

1–3  Then I said:

“Listen, leaders of Jacob, leaders of Israel:

Don’t you know anything of justice?

Haters of good, lovers of evil:

Isn’t justice in your job description?

But you skin my people alive.

You rip the meat off their bones.

You break up the bones, chop the meat,

and throw it in a pot for cannibal stew.”

The time’s coming, though, when these same leaders

will cry out for help to God, but he won’t listen.

He’ll turn his face the other way

because of their history of evil.

5–7  Here is God’s Message to the prophets,

the preachers who lie to my people:

“For as long as they’re well paid and well fed,

the prophets preach, ‘Isn’t life wonderful! Peace to all!’

But if you don’t pay up and jump on their bandwagon,

their ‘God bless you’ turns into ‘God damn you.’

Therefore, you’re going blind. You’ll see nothing.

You’ll live in deep shadows and know nothing.

The sun has set on the prophets.

They’ve had their day; from now on it’s night.

Visionaries will be confused,

experts will be all mixed up.

They’ll hide behind their reputations and make lame excuses

to cover up their God-ignorance.”

But me—I’m filled with God’s power,

filled with God’s Spirit of justice and strength,

Ready to confront Jacob’s crime

and Israel’s sin.

9–12  The leaders of Jacob and

the leaders of Israel are

Leaders contemptuous of justice,

who twist and distort right living,

Leaders who build Zion by killing people,

who expand Jerusalem by committing crimes.

Judges sell verdicts to the highest bidder,

priests mass-market their teaching,

prophets preach for high fees,

All the while posturing and pretending

dependence on God:

“We’ve got God on our side.

He’ll protect us from disaster.”

Because of people like you,

Zion will be turned back into farmland,

Jerusalem end up as a pile of rubble,

and instead of the Temple on the mountain,

a few scraggly scrub pines.


About The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language

Many people assume that a book about a holy God should sound elevated, stately, and ceremonial. If this is how you’ve always viewed the Bible, you’re about to make a surprising discovery. The Message brings the life-changing power of the New Testament, the vibrant passion of the Psalms, and the rich, practical wisdom of Proverbs into easy-to-read modern language that echoes the rhythm and idioms of the original Greek and Hebrew. Written in the same kind of language you’d use to talk with friends, write a letter, or discuss politics, The Message preserves the authentic, earthy flavor and the expressive character of the Bible’s best-loved books. Whether you’ve been reading the Bible for years or are exploring it for the first time, The Message will startle and surprise you. And it will allow you to experience firsthand the same power and directness that motivated its original readers to change the course of history so many centuries ago.


Copyright 2005 Eugene H. Peterson.

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