
Galatians is unavailable, but you can change that!

Lexham Press is excited to offer another title in the popular High Definition Commentary series: the volume on Galatians! Dr. Steve Runge, author of Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament and High Definition Commentary: Philippians, provides exceptional commentary that enables you accurately to communicate the message of Galatians. This volume emphasizes the main points of Galatians in...

Galatians doesn’t begin like Paul’s letters to other churches, such as Ephesians or Colossians. The transition from the greeting to the main part of the letter is actually rather abrupt. Most every English translation separates verses 6–10 into a separate paragraph from the greeting with good reason. The dramatic shift from the greeting that precedes (1:1–5) to Paul’s astonishment at the Galatians’ decision to turn away from the gospel is unlike any of Paul’s other
Galatians 1:6–10