The Holman Christian Standard Bible
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Psalm 19

The Witness of Creation and Scripture

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.

The heavens declare the glory of God,

and the sky u proclaims the work of His hands. v

Day after day they pour out speech;

night after night they communicate knowledge. w

There is no speech; there are no words;

their voice is not heard.

Their message x has gone out to all the earth,

and their words to the ends of the world. y

In the heavens z He has pitched a tent for the sun. a

It is like a groom coming from the b bridal chamber;

it rejoices like an athlete running a course.

It rises from one end of the heavens

and circles c to their other end; d

nothing is hidden from its heat.

The instruction of the Lord is perfect,

renewing one’s life; e

the * testimony of the Lord is trustworthy,

making the inexperienced wise. f

The precepts of the Lord are right,

making the heart glad; g

the command of the Lord is radiant,

making the eyes light up. h

The * fear of the Lord is pure,

enduring forever; i

the ordinances of the Lord are reliable

and altogether righteous. j

10 They are more desirable than gold—

than an abundance of pure gold; k

and sweeter than honey,

which comes from the honeycomb. l

11 In addition, Your servant is warned by them;

there is great reward in keeping them. m

12 Who perceives his unintentional sins?

Cleanse me from my hidden faults. n

1Moreover, keep Your servant from willful sins; o

do not let them rule over me. p

Then I will be innocent

and cleansed from blatant rebellion. q

14 May the words of my mouth

and the meditation of my heart

be acceptable to You, r

Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. s


About The Holman Christian Standard Bible

The complete Holman Christian Standard Bible® is now available for the first time ever! More than fifteen years in the making, crafted by the shared expertise of nearly a hundred conservative scholars and English stylists, the Holman CSB® sets the standard in painstaking biblical accuracy and pure literary form.

Accurate, yet highly readable, it's a translation committed to leaving both the grace and gravity of the original languages intact while carefully creating a smooth flow of wording for the reader.

Stylistically, this inaugural edition contributes to the clarity of the written Word, arranging the poetic portions of the Scripture into complete lines of thought, and revering God's presence on each page by capitalizing all the pronouns that refer to Him.

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