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The Evangelical Exegetical Commentary is a brand new, 44-volume commentary series which incorporates the latest critical biblical scholarship and is written from a distinctly evangelical perspective. Published by Logos Bible Software, the EEC is the next standard commentary on the entire Bible for evangelicals. Like the Word Biblical Commentary and the Baker Exegetical Commentary, the ECC is...

10 Wearing nice jewelry undoubtedly would have been a new experience for the young woman, coming from a rural family of limited means that tended vineyards (1:6; 8:11). She also is described as wearing jewelry in 4:9, but that is on her wedding night, when she would have been luxuriously dressed for her marriage ceremony to the king. At this relatively early stage in their relationship, a natural explanation for her possessing such jewelry is that he gave it to her as a gift. A different explanation
Song of Solomon 1:10