The Eleven Commandments
Lehman Strauss
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Chapter 1. The Scriptures And The Law
1. The Dispensation of the Law of Moses
3. The Dispensation of the Kingdom
1. The Law Was Assigned Expressly to Israel
2. The Law Was a Temporary Covenant
3. The Law Cannot Be Kept By Man
4. The Law is Powerless to Save
Chapter 2. The Sovereignty Of God
Are Christians Guilty of Idolatry?
Chapter 3. The Standard For Worship
Chapter 4. The Sacredness Of Speech
1. The Sabbath in the Old Testament
2. The Sabbath in the New Testament
Has the Christian Any Responsibility?
Chapter 6. The Safe-Guard For Life
Chapter 7. The Sacredness Of Human Life
2. The Substance of Human Life
Chapter 8. The Sanctity Of The Body
2. The Distinction of the Sexes
3. The Destruction of Marriage Sacredness
Chapter 9. The Sin Of Stealing
Chapter 10. The Stigma Of A False Witness
1. The Explanation of False Witness
2. The Effects of A False Witness
Chapter 11. The Selfish Life Denounced
Chapter 12. The Sovereign Law Of Love
1. The Pattern of Christian Love
2. The Power of Christian Love
3. The Program of Christian Love
The messages contained in this book were delivered to the congregation of the Calvary Baptist Church in the Spring of 1944. For five years the writer had been preaching mainly from the New Testament, emphasizing the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith. Several families, who formerly were members of the Reformed Church, made inquiry concerning the value and importance of the Mosaic Law in these days. In answer to this query, the following messages were prepared and preached. If they are used in this permanent form to bring enlightenment and blessing to those who read them, the author will be grateful to God who revealed them by His Spirit.
Acknowledgment is hereby given to the Misses Helen Hertzler and Evelyn Den Bleyker, who so ably assisted in the editing and typing of the manuscripts.
Lehman Strauss
Bristol, Pennsylvania
Chapter 1
The Scriptures And The Law
Some fifteen hundred years before Christ was born, Moses, under God, led the Israelites out of the bondage of the Egyptian ruler Pharaoh. They were en route to Canaan, the promised land, when they stopped to pitch camp at the foot of Mount Sinai. Here the pilgrim host was to experience a series of events and learn some never-to-be-forgotten lessons. Sinai was to be a new beginning for Israel. Up until that time, God was constantly showing forth His grace and power in behalf of His people. ...
About The Eleven CommandmentsThe "eleventh" or "new" commandment - "that ye love one another" - was given by the Lord himself to His believing church and few Christians doubt its importance in their lives. This is not the case, however, with The Ten Commandments. The Law of Moses is probably one of the most criticized and misunderstood portions of Scripture. While some religious leaders make the Law the sole ground of man's salvation, others disregard it as of no value in this age of grace. What should the Law mean to Christians? Dr. Strauss answers that question in eleven searching and thoughtful sermons. He writes, "Now that Christ has come, the Law is done away...In this present age (it) is not in force, either as a basis of salvation or as the rule of the Christian life. But this doesn't mean that the Law has ceased to have any value to the Christian. Exodus 20 is as much a part of the Canon of Scripture as any other chapter in the Bible" - and as profitable for the believer's up-building. Since this is true, Dr. Strauss takes the Ten Commandments and the new commandment of Christian love as his subject in these frank talks to believers. You'll find his applications forceful and convincing, and his illustrations illuminating and memorable.
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