Effective Bible Teaching (Second Edition)
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second edition

James C. Wilhoit

Leland Ryken

a division of Baker Publishing Group

Grand Rapids, Michigan

© 1988, 2012 by James C. Wilhoit and Leland Ryken

Published by Baker Academic

a division of Baker Publishing Group

P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287


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Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition: 2007

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Part 1: Effective Teaching

1: The Changing Landscape of Bible Study

2: The Church’s Unfinished Task

3: The Tasks of the Effective Teacher

4: The Teacher

Part 2: The Methods of Effective Bible Teaching

5: Discovering Unity in Biblical Passages

6: Thematic Unity in Biblical Passages

7: Bridging the Gap

8: Principles of Biblical Interpretation

9: Understanding the Methods of Inductive and Directed Bible Studies

10: Leading Inductive Bible Studies

Part 3: The Bible We Teach

11: What Kind of Book Is the Bible?

12: Types of Writing in the Bible

13: Teaching the Stories of the Bible

14: Teaching the Poetry of the Bible

15: Teaching Other Genres of the Bible

Subject Index

Author Index


From the time that Luther declared that “the entire life and being of the church lie in the word of God,” Protestantism has committed itself to the tasks of preaching and teaching the Word. Of the two, preaching has fared better than teaching.

Bible teaching is a subject of neglect in the contemporary church. Seminaries have required courses in homiletics, and nearly every month brings the publication of a new book on preaching. But where are the books and courses on teaching the Bible? No wonder a Gallup poll uncovered people who believe the Bible to be God’s inspired Word and yet cannot name four of the Ten Commandments. Effective Bible teaching heads the agenda of the church’s unfinished tasks.

Part of the problem is that the church has failed to equip laypeople to study and teach the Bible. Without intending to do so, it has handed over the task ...

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About Effective Bible Teaching (Second Edition)

"This update is a much-needed and welcomed resource. It should be read widely and used to shape and deepen the teaching of the Bible in a variety of settings." -- Kevin E. Lawson, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University; editor, Christian Education Journal

Why does Bible study flourish in some churches and small groups and not in others? In this updated edition of a trusted classic, two Christian education specialists provide readers with the knowledge and methods needed to effectively communicate the message of the Bible. The book offers concrete guidance for mastering a biblical text, interpreting it, and applying its relevance to life. Its methods, which have been field-tested for twenty-five years, help pastors, teachers, and ministry students improve their classroom skills. Readers will learn how to develop the "big idea" of a passage and allow the text itself to suggest creative teaching methods. This new edition has been updated throughout and explores the changed landscape of Bible study over the past two decades. Readable and interdisciplinary in approach, this book will help a new generation of Bible students teach in a purposeful and unified way.


Part 1: Effective Teaching
1. The Changing Landscape of Bible Study
2. The Church's Unfinished Task
3. The Tasks of the Effective Teacher
4. The Teacher: The Human Element in Teaching
Part 2: The Methods of Effective Bible Teaching
5. Discovering Unity in Biblical Passages: The Genre and Structure of a Passage
6. Thematic Unity in Biblical Passages: Teaching the Big Idea
7. Bridging the Gap
8. Principles of Biblical Interpretation
9. Understanding the Methods of Inductive and Directed Bible Studies
10. Leading Inductive Bible Studies
Part 3: The Bible We Teach
11. What Kind of Book Is the Bible?
12. Types of Writing in the Bible
13. Teaching the Stories of the Bible
14. Teaching the Poetry of the Bible
15. Teaching Other Genres of the Bible

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