Wondrous Pursuit




Wondrous Pursuit: Daily Encounters with an Almighty God

Copyright 2016 Jarrid Wilson

Kirkdale Press, 1313 Commercial St., Bellingham, WA 98225


You may use brief quotations from this resource in presentations, articles, and books. For all other uses, please write Kirkdale Press for permission. Email us at permissions@kirkdalepress.com.

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the Lexham English Bible (leb), copyright 2013 by Lexham Press. Lexham is a registered trademark of Faithlife Corporation.

Scripture quotations marked (niv) are from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Print ISBN 9781683590088

Digital ISBN 9781683590095

Kirkdale Editorial: Justin Marr, Rebecca Florence Miller, Lynnea Smoyer, Abigail Stocker

Cover Design: Jarrid Wilson

Back Cover Design: Liz Donovan

To my boys

May you always remember God’s wondrous love for you



Day 1

Wake Up, Sleeper

Day 2

Chasing Signposts

Day 3

Who Are You Following?

Day 4

Citizens of Heaven

Day 5

Pouring Yourself into Others

Day 6

God Is on Your Side

Day 7

Christ with Me, Christ before Me

Day 8

For You Are with Me

Day 9

At Death’s Door

Day 10

Work with Your Hands

Day 11

“In” the World or “Of” the World?

Day 12

When the World Tells You You’re Crazy

Day 13

Be Strong and Courageous

Day 14

Enrich Your Knowledge of God

Day 15

God amid the Silence

Day 16

A Cord of Three

Day 17

At the Core

Day 18

The Elevator Pitch

Day 19

It All Became Garbage

Day 20

Pressing On toward the Goal

Day 21

Dealing with Doubters

Day 22

Patience and the Swing Set

Day 23

It’s Not about You

Day 24

More Than a Book

Day 25

Two Masters

Day 26

The Fruit of the Spirit

Day 27

The Gospel in a Few Words

Day 28

The Mustard Seed

Day 29

Perfect Timing

Day 30

May His Face Shine on You


The pursuit of God is a pursuit full of excitement, transformation, adventure, and inner discovery. In it, we cling to the truths we know, yet hold on to faith for the answers still unveiled. The magnificence that is God acts as our light in a world that has become so dark. God, our creator and life-breathing orchestrator, provides the wisdom and knowledge necessary to truly find a life of fulfillment and promise. Let your pursuit of God be a wondrous pursuit, a story worth telling, and a daring experience worth reliving day after day.

The pursuit of God has many facets—including prayer, worship, church, community, meditation, servanthood, and grace. Throughout this book you will have the opportunity to reflect on various passages within the Bible that pertain to your walk with God and each of these facets. You’ll have the opportunity to truly evaluate the strength of your spiritual roots and to find out more about the foundation you’ve chosen to build your life upon. Whether you have been studying God’s word for the ...

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About Wondrous Pursuit: Daily Encounters with an Almighty God

In Wondrous Pursuit, blogger Jarrid Wilson walks with you through 30 days of intentionally chasing after God. Each day, a Scripture passage, accompanied by reflection points and questions to help you go further, challenge you to think about a different aspect of your pursuit of God and to dive more deeply into his word. Along the way, learn how to build a continual, daily practice of looking for God and relying on his direction—after all, he is the most glorious goal, the most wondrous pursuit, we could possibly find.

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Table of Contents