Who Do You Say I Am?

On the Humanity of Jesus

Edited by

George Kalantzis

David B. Capes

and Ty Kieser


On the Humanity of Jesus

Copyright © 2020 Wipf and Stock Publishers. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.

Cascade Books

An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers

199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3

Eugene, OR 97401


paperback isbn: 978-1-7252-6292-8

hardcover isbn: 978-1-7252-6293-5

ebook isbn: 978-1-7252-6294-2

Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

Names: Kalantzis, George, editor. | Capes, David B., editor | Kieser, Ty, editor.

Title: Who do you say i am? : on the humanity of Jesus / edited by George Kalantzis, David B. Capes, and Ty Kieser.

Description: Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2020. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: isbn 978-1-7252-6292-8 (paperback) | isbn 978-1-7252-6293-5 (hardcover) | isbn 978-1-7252-6294-2 (ebook)

Subjects: LCSH: Jesus Christ—Humanity. | Jesus Christ—Person and offices.

Classification: BT218 W56 2020 (print) | BT218 (ebook)

Cover image: The Luminous One 2015–17, for the Wheaton College President’s Art Commission, designed by Jeremy Botts, mosaic facilitated by Leah Samuelson.

For Daniel Ryan Capes (1983–2019) in loving memory






1 The Body Prepared for Jesus

Fleming Rutledge

That Which Was Revealed: Scripture and the Humanity of Jesus

2 “ ‘Could This Be the Christ?’ ” The Samaritan Woman’s Testimony and Jesus’s Identity

Lynn H. Cohick

3 Suffering, Solidarity, and Salvation: The Humanity of the Son in Hebrews 2, 4, and 5

Dana M. Harris

4 Jesus From the Earth Up: Thinking About Jesus’s Humanity in the Canon

Darrell L. Bock

That Which was Seen: Art and the Humanity of Jesus

5 Portraits of Jesus in Christian Art Through the Ages

Robin M. Jensen

6 Seeking Mystery in Material: Reflections on the Making of Corpus

David J. P. Hooker

That Which was Testified to: History and the Humanity of Jesus

7 Bodies Transgressing Boundaries: in Imitatio Christi

George Kalantzis

8 Astonishing Fulfillment: Irenaeus and Origen on the Humanity of Christ

Brian E. Daley, SJ

And Which We Proclaimed to You: The Contemporary Church and the Humanity of Jesus

9 Toward a Black Anthropology and Social Ethic: Why the Humanity and Jewishness of Jesus Matters

Esau McCaulley

10 Jesus as Missional Migrant: Latin American Christologies, the New Testament Witness, and Twenty-first Century Migration

Christopher M. Hays and Milton Acosta


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About Who Do You Say I Am? On the Humanity of Jesus

Human existence is a bodily existence. A first principle of historic Christianity has been that Jesus assumed our humanity and everything essential to it in order that God may redeem all of our existence. Christ is the revelation of God and the revelation of true humanity. As we seek to understand our embodied experiences of the world and one another we do so in light of the embodied life of Jesus Christ. Jesus’s humanity shows us what it means to live an embodied human life rightly and how we, as embodied human beings, can relate to the world around us.

In this book we invite readers to explore with us why the humanity of Jesus is central to the Christian understanding of community, society, salvation, and life with God. Over the span of these ten chapters this book draws from biblical, historic, and cultural discussions as it enters into the breadth of the significance of the humanity of Jesus and explores how the reality of the Incarnation challenges and redeems our broken social structures, racial and ethnic divisions, economic systems, and sexuality.

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Table of Contents