


Revised Edition

An Introduction to Biblical Creationism

BMH Books

Winona Lake, IN 46590

Copyright © 1972, 1986 by Baker Books

A division of Baker Book House Company

Assigned to John C. Whitcomb, 2002

Original edition: thirteen printings; 83,866 copies

Revised edition first issued December 1986

Second revised edition, BMH Books, December 2010

ISBN: 978-088469-268-3

Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by the Lockman Foundation.

Picture credits:

H. Armstrong Roberts: 27, 41, 59, 79, 83, 87, 117

Insitut Pasteur Musée: 67

iStockphoto: 63, 69, 85

Shutterstock: 7, 49, 77, 95

To the memory of my father

Colonel John C. Whitcomb






1. The Nature of Biblical Creation

Creation Was Supernatural

Creation Was Sudden

Creation Involved a Superficial Appearance of History


2. The Creation of the Universe

The Basic Approach to Origins

The Creation of the Heavens

The Creation of the Earth

Did the Earth Come from a Proto-sun?

The Purpose of the Stellar Creation


3. The Creation of Plants and Animals

Genesis and the Geologic Timetable

The Original Abundance of Life

The Limits of Variation


4. The Creation of Mankind

The Dignity of Man

Theistic Evolution

The Direct Creation of Adam’s Body

The Marvelous Complexity of the Human Body

Ape-Men and Cavemen

The Antiquity of Man


5. Was the Earth Once a Chaos?

The Basic Issue

“Was” or “Became”?

“Empty” or “Chaotic”?

Was the Darkness Evil?

How Many Creative Acts in Genesis 1?

Other Gap Theory Arguments

The Chaos/Creation Theory


Summary and Conclusion

Selected Bibliography

Author and Subject Index

Scripture Index

List of Illustrations

The Planet Earth

Creation Week and the Fall

Fruit Trees

The Oceans

The Great Galaxy in Andromeda

The Moon

The Sun

“The Mountains Rose”


The Experiments of Louis Pasteur

A Monkey and a Keyboard

A Forest of Family Trees

Created Kinds, Noah’s Ark, and Railroad Box Cars

Dachshund and Great Dane

Horses—Products of Evolution?

The Duck-Billed Platypus of Australia



The Fall to the Flood

Mountains, Ice, and Snow


The Bacterial Flagellum


To interpret the Bible literally is simply to take God at His Word. This is the high road of biblical exposition which readers have learned to anticipate in anything written by John Whitcomb, and the studies in this book are outstanding examples of such God-honoring exposition.

Any study by Dr. Whitcomb dealing with the Genesis record is certain to be authoritative and relevant. The first edition of this book (thirteen printings) has already been widely read and used to strengthen the confidence of many people in the integrity of God’s Word. The early chapters of Genesis should be recognized as completely historical and scientifically accurate, and this is the position demonstrated and expounded in these ...

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About The Early Earth: An Introduction to Biblical Creationism

First published in 1972, The Early Earth has established itself as one of the most illuminating books defending biblical creationism. Newly revised in 2011, this text is a companion to John Whitcomb’s The World That Perished. It includes dozens of updates and recent citations that strengthen Whitcomb’s defense of biblical creationism. The book is organized into five sections, including more than a dozen special illustrations and explanations that will be of interest to both mature and younger readers. They include interesting sidelights on such subjects as whales, the duck-billed platypus, dinosaurs, bacterial flagellum, and more. In addition to a bibliography reflecting the latest scientific information from books and journal articles, the revised version also includes extensive subject, author, and Scripture indices.

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Table of Contents