A Week in the Life of Ephesus
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David A. deSilva

An imprint of InterVarsity Press

Downers Grove, Illinois

InterVarsity Press

P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515-1426



©2020 by David A. deSilva

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from InterVarsity Press.

InterVarsity Press® is the book-publishing division of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA®, a movement of students and faculty active on campus at hundreds of universities, colleges, and schools of nursing in the United States of America, and a member movement of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. For information about local and regional activities, visit intervarsity.org.

Figure 6.2 is used with permission courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group, LLC.

All other images are used with permission courtesy of the author.

Cover design: Cindy Kiple

Cover image: © MindStorm-inc / iStock / Getty Images Plus

ISBN 978-0-8308-2485-4 (print)

ISBN 978-0-8308-2537-0 (digital)

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.


David W. Baker, John Byron,

Brenda B. Colijn, Wyndy Corbin Reuschling,

L. Daniel Hawk, Michael Reuschling,

Dale R. Stoffer, and JoAnn Ford Watson

colleagues who have supported and sustained

me in so many ways during my tenure at

Ashland Theological Seminary



Characters in the Drama

1 New Year’s Day

1 Kaisaros, 9 Kalends October

The Divine Artemis Sends Birthday Wishes

Musical Instruments in the Roman Period

Roman Asia’s Calendar

A Symposium in the Prytaneion

The Title Neōkoros

2 Roman Piety, Roman Peace

2 Kaisaros, 8 Kalends October

In Serapion’s Townhouse

The Harbor of Ephesus

Titus Flavius Zeuxis

The Jewish Community of Ephesus

The City Fathers Convene

The Third Horseman and Domitian’s Edict

The Staff of the Imperial Cult

3 In the Shadow of the Gods

3 Kaisaros, 7 Kalends October

Asia’s Shared Temple of the Augusti in Ephesus

Civic Pride and Imperial Cult

In the Shade of the Basilica Stoa

In the Merchants’ Quarter

Aelius Aristides on the Roman Imperial Economy

4 The Lord’s Day

4 Kaisaros, 6 Kalends October

Morning Orisons

Christian Worship at the Turn of the First Century CE

In the Great Theater

Imperial Cult in the Games of Neapolis

The Assembly in Amyntas’s House

The Varieties of Christianity in Ephesus

5 The Crucible of Faith

5 Kaisaros, 5 Kalends October

In Serapion’s Townhouse

In the Gymnasium

Prochorus Arrives

John’s Removal to Patmos

6 The Day of Decision

6 Kaisaros, 4 Kalends October

The View from Above

Domitian’s Diminished Popularity and Ephesus’s Flavian Temple

In the Council Chamber

The Fiscus Iudaicus and the “Synagogue of Satan”

7 The Day After

7 Kaisaros, 3 Kalends October

Business as Usual

A Grace Defaced

For Further Study

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About A Week in the Life of Ephesus

As the city of Ephesus prepares for a religious festival in honor of the emperor Domitian, a Christian landowner feels increasing pressure from the city’s leaders to participate. Can he perform his civic duties and remain faithful to his Lord? Or has the time come for a costly choice?

In this historical novel, biblical scholar David deSilva brings to life such compelling struggles faced by the early Christians. Their insistence on the absolute lordship of their own singular deity brought them into conflict not only with the myriad religious cults of the day, but with all the crushing power of the empire itself. Meticulously researched and supplemented by historical images and explanatory sidebars, A Week in the Life of Ephesus poses anew the timeless question of Christianity and empire. Here is a vividly imaginative portrait of the Roman empire in all its beauty and might—and hanging over it, the looming sky of apocalypse.

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