Unlocking the Scriptures for You
Knofel Staton
Cincinnati, Ohio | 11-40108 |
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible: New International Version, ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers and the International Bible Society.
Sharing the thoughts of his own heart, the author may express views not entirely consistent with those of the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Staton, Knofel.
Second Corinthians.
(Standard Bible studies)
1. Bible. N.T. Corinthians, 2nd—Commentaries.
I. Title. II. Series.
BS2675.3.S74 | 1988 | 227′.307 | 88-4495 |
ISBN 0-87403-168-0
Copyright © 1988. The STANDARD PUBLISHING Company, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A division of STANDEX INTERNATIONAL Corporation.
Introduction: Paul and the Church at Corinth
Chapter 1: An Apostle for Others
Chapter 2: Being Both Flexible and Inflexible for Others
Chapter 4: Servant Characteristics
Chapter 6: Practices of People Helpers
Chapter 7: The Joys of a People Helper
Chapter 8: Motivations for Helping People With Our Money
Chapter 9: Characteristics of People-helper Giving
Chapter 10: The Nature of Paul’s Warfare
Chapter 11: Defense of Paul’s Ministry
Chapter 12: Defense of Paul’s Apostleship
Chapter 13: Readiness for Paul’s Third Visit
Paul and the Church of Corinth
The Beginning of the Church
We know more about Paul’s relationship with the church of Corinth than his relationship with any other congregation. That information comes to us from the book of Acts and from what Paul says about that relationship in both 1 and 2 Corinthians.
Paul first visited Corinth on what we call his second missionary journey. After a brief stay in Athens, Paul entered Corinth alone. In order to have provisions to live on, he began to work as a tentmaker (Acts 18:1–3). This restricted the amount of time that he could devote to evangelism, leaving only the Sabbath for such work (Acts 18:4). However, when his companions joined him, Paul then devoted his full-time energies toward evangelism (Acts 18:5). At first, he centered his activities within the synagogue, but soon received sharp opposition from the Jews and moved the center of his activities to a house next to the synagogue (Acts 18:6–7). The opposition was so fierce that Paul was evidently beginning to be discouraged about a long stay at Corinth. So God intervened with a message of support for Paul’s ministry there, “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many ...
About Second Corinthians: Unlocking the Scriptures for YouThis nontechnical commentary on Second Corinthians analyzes the continued problems the church in Corinth faced. It provides a look into the historical, cultural, and religious contexts surrounding the epistle, and illustrates how the message of First Corinthians is still contemporarily relevant in today’s churches. |
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