How Old Testament Expectations Are Fulfilled in Christ



Typology—Understanding the Bible’s Promise-Shaped Patterns

Copyright © 2022 by James M. Hamilton Jr.

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For Isaiah John Hamilton

May you follow in the footsteps

of the men whose names you bear

growing to be mighty in the Scriptures

knowing Yahweh as the saving God

and giver of every good gift

in Christ by the Spirit


Detailed Table of Contents



1. Introduction to Promise-Shaped Typology: Micro-Level Indicators for Determining Authorial Intent


2. Adam

3. Priests

4. Prophets

5. Kings

6. The Righteous Sufferer


7. Creation

8. Exodus


9. Leviticult

10. Marriage

11. Conclusion to Promise-Shaped Typology: Macro-Level Indicators for Determining Authorial Intent


Scripture Index

Subject Index

Author Index


Typology—Understanding the Bible’s Promise-Shaped Patterns

How Old Testament Expectations Are Fulfilled in Christ



1. Introduction to Promise-Shaped Typology: Micro-Level Indicators for Determining Authorial Intent

§1 Genesis 3:15, A Pattern-Shaping Promise

§1.1 The Self-Referential Nature of Genesis

§1.1.1 Working and Keeping, Killed and Cursed

Table 1.1: Working and Keeping

§1.1.2 Genesis 4 in Light of Genesis 3

§1.1.3 The Cursed Seed of the Serpent

§1.1.4 The Impress of the Type

§1.1.5 The Cursing of Canaan and Those Who Dishonor Abraham

§1.2 The Foundational ...

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About Typology: Understanding the Bible’s Promise-Shaped Patterns; How Old Testament Expectations are Fulfilled in Christ

Read the Bible with Fresh Eyes as You See Scripture’s Promise-Shaped Patterns

When you read the Bible, have you ever noticed parallels between certain people, events, and institutions? Should we understand Noah as a kind of new Adam, and if so, does that somehow point us to the second Adam? How are we to interpret these similarities?

In Typology-Understanding the Bibles Promise-Shaped Patterns, author James M. Hamilton Jr. shows that the similarities we find in the Bible are based on genuine historical correspondence and demonstrates how we recognize them in the repetition of words and phrases, the parallels between patterns of events, and key thematic equivalences. When read in light of God’s promises, these historical correspondences spotlight further repetitions that snowball on one another to build escalating significance.

This book stimulates fresh thinking on the relationship between the Old and New Testaments and will help pastors, preachers, and students better understand the dynamics of inner-biblical interpretation. It explores several of the “promise-shaped patterns” we see in the Old Testament including:

• Adam and New Adam

• Prophets, Priests, and Kings

• The Righteous Sufferer

• Creation

• Exodus and New Exodus

• Marriage

Hamilton shows that the prophets and sages of Israel learned to interpret Scripture from Moses and his writings. And by tracing the organic development of subsequent biblical patterns, he explains how these patterns created expectations that are fulfilled in Christ. Jesus himself taught his followers to understand the Old Testament in this way (Luke 24:45), and the authors of the New Testament taught the earliest followers of Jesus how to read the Bible through a typological lens.

Typology-Understanding the Bible’s Promise-Shaped Patterns equips pastors, bible teachers, students, and serious Bible readers to understand and embrace the typological interpretive perspective of the biblical authors. You will learn to read the Bible as it was intended by its original authors while cultivating a deeper love and appreciation for the Scriptures.

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Table of Contents