Tozer for the Christian Leader
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© 2001 by The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago

Previously published by Christian Publications, Inc.

First Christian Publications edition 2001

First WingSpread Publishers edition 2007

First Moody Publishers edition 2015

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version.

Cover design by Faceout Studio, Tim Green

Cover photo of mountains © 2014 by Luke Gram/Stocksy/390097.

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-60066-793-0

Previously published as Tozer on Christian Leadership

LOC Catalog Card Number: 2007923982

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To my four children, Jodi, Jon, Jeremy and Jessica (who is with the Lord)

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. (3 John 4)

Love, Dad


Aiden Wilson Tozer was born April 21, 1897, on a small farm among the spiny ridges of Western Pennsylvania. Within a few short years, Tozer, as he preferred to be called, would earn the reputation and title “twentieth-century prophet.”

When he was fifteen years old, Tozer’s family moved to Akron, Ohio. One afternoon as he walked home from his job at Goodyear, he overheard a street preacher say, “If you don’t know how to be saved … just call on God.” When he got home, he climbed the narrow stairway to the attic where, heeding the preacher’s advice, Tozer was launched into a lifelong pursuit of God.

In 1919, without formal education, he was called to pastor a small storefront church in Nutter Fort, West Virginia. That humble beginning thrust him and his wife, Ada, into a forty-four-year ministry with The Christian and Missionary Alliance.

Thirty-one of those years were spent at Chicago’s Southside Alliance Church. The congregation, captivated by Tozer’s preaching, grew from eighty to 800.

His humor, written and spoken, has been compared to that of Will Rogers—honest and homespun. Congregations could one moment be swept by gales of laughter and the next sit in a holy hush.

But Tozer’s forte was his prayer life, which often found him walking the aisles of a sanctuary or lying face down on the floor. Tozer biographer James L. Snyder notes that “his preaching as well as his writings were but extensions of his prayer life.” An earlier biographer and confidante, David J. Fant, wrote, “He spent more time on his knees than at his desk.”

Tozer’s final years of pastoral ...

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About Tozer for the Christian Leader

These devotionals, excerpted from Tozer’s writings, reflect his passion for God-ordained, Christ-centered, Spirit-led visionary leadership, whether it be in the home, the workplace or the Church. Leadership, Tozer once said, “is a spiritual thing and should be so understood by everyone. It takes more than a ballot to make a leader.”

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