Augustus M. Toplady, A. B.
late vicar of broad hembury, devon
New Edition,
with an enlarged memoir of the author
in six volumes
Vol. I.
William Baynes and son,
paternoster row;
and h. s. baynes, edinburgh
Vol. I.
An Account of the Life and Writings of the Author
Elegiac Poem on the death of the Author
Occasion of the present undertaking. Free-willers punished with imprisonment by king Edward VI. and our first reformers. Harmony between Popery and Arminianism. Remarkable particulars concerning John Goodwin the Fifth-monarchy-man. Case of departed infants considered
Free-willers the first dissenters of the reformed church of England. Calvinism of king Edward, and of the Lord Protector Somerset. That king a prodigy of parts, piety, and learning. Vindication of his character from the nibbling of Papists and Arminians
Modern Geneva arminianized, through the abolition of ministerial subscriptions. Some particulars concerning Dr. Christopher Potter. Arminianism proved on the church of Rome. Pope Leo X. anathematizes Luther for denying the doctrines of free-will and perfection. Luther’s undaunted behaviour on that occasion
The council of Trent called, with a view to stem the progress of the Calvinistic doctrines. The decisions of that council, and therein of the Romish church at large, in favour of free will, conditional predestination, merit, and justification by works
The Arminianism of the church of Rome farther evinced, in her treatment of Janssenius and Quesnel. Concise history of Janssenius and Quesnel. Concise history of Janssenius, and of the celebrated five propositions. Extracts from the hundred and one propositions of Quesnel. Bull Unigenitus
The supposed Calvinism of Thomas Aquinas, considered. Summary of St. Austin’s doctrine concerning grace
Some account of the Ranters, and their principles. Doctrinal agreement between that sect and many of the modern Arminians
Arminianism not the doctrine of the four first centuries. The judgment of Barnabas, of Clement, of Ignatius, and of Polycarp, concerning those articles of faith which stand between Calvinists and Arminians
Judgment of some eminent persons, who flourished antecedently to the Reformation, concerning those points. The Albigenses and Waldenses. Sketch of Gotteschalcus’ doctrines and sufferings. Remigius of Lyons. Florus Magister
Judgment of eminent persons, before the Reformation, continued. John Huss, Jerom of Prague, John de Wesaliâ
Judgment of several eminent persons in England, previous to the Reformation. Bede, Bishop Grosthead, Doctor John Wickliffe, Archbishop Bradwardin, Lord Cobham
The charge of Mahometanism refuted and retorted
Judgment of eminent English martyrs, prior to the settlement of the Reformation. Sawtree, Claydon, Bilney, Bainham, Tyndal, Lambert, Ascough, Barnes, Hamelton, Frith, ...
About The Works of Augustus M. Toplady, Volume 1The first volume of The Works of Augustus M. Toplady (6 vols.) includes a complete biography of Toplady, as well as an introduction to his defense of Calvinism. The rest of the volume is divided into various sections on the history of Calvinism and its impact on European politics. Toplady seeks to prove the relevance and truth of Calvinism against Arminianism using historical evidence, biographies, and Scripture to back his claim. |
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