A Critical Appreciation

Edited by

Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap


Daniel A. Keating


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First published 2003

ISBN 0 567 08901 0 HB

ISBN 0 567 08882 0 PB

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

To Mary—Θεοτόκος




1. Cyril of Alexandria as Interpreter of the Old Testament

Robert Louis Wilken

2. Cyril and the Mystery of the Incarnation

Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap

3. Theotokos: Mary and the Pattern of Fall and Redemption in the Theology of Cyril of Alexandria

Frances Young

4. The Mystery of the Trinity according to Cyril of Alexandria: The Deployment of the Triad and Its Recapitulation into the Unity of Divinity

Marie-Odile Boulnois

5. The Fullness of the Saving God: Cyril of Alexandria on the Holy Spirit

Brian E. Daley, SJ

6. Divinization in Cyril: The Appropriation of Divine Life

Daniel A. Keating

7. Incorruption, Anti-Origenism, and Incarnation: Eschatology in the Thought of Cyril of Alexandria

John J. O’Keefe

8. Cyril of Alexandria: Bishop and Pastor

John A. McGuckin

9. ‘Apostolic Man’ and ‘Luminary of the Church’: The Enduring Influence of Cyril of Alexandria

Norman Russell

Select Bibliography

Index of Subjects

Index of Names


Cyril’s works

Ad Cal. Epistula ad Calosyrium

Ad Eul. Epistula ad Eulogium

Ad Mon. Epistula ad Monachos

Ad Nest. Epistula ad Nestorium

Ad Succ. Epistula ad Succensum

Adv. Orient. Epis. Duodecim Capitum Defensio Adversus Orientales Episcopos

C. Diod. Fragmenta contra Diodorum Tarsensem

C. Jul. Contra Julianum

C. Nest. Contra Nestorium

C. Synous. Contra Synousiastas

C. Theod. Fragmenta contra Theodorum Mopsuestenum

C. Theodoret. Apologeticus contra Theodoretum

De Ador. De Adoratione in Spiritu et Veritate

De Dogm. De Dogmatum Solutione

De Incarn. De Incarnatione

De Recta Fide ad

Pulch. et Eud. De Recta Fide ad Pulcheriam et Eudociam

De Recta Fide ad

Theod. De Recta Fide ad Theodosium

Dial. Trin. De Trinitate Dialogi

Expl. XII Cap. Explicatio Duodecim Capitum

Glaphyra Glaphyra in Pentateuchum

Hom. Homiliae Diversae

Hom. Pasch. Homiliae Paschales

In I Cor. Explanatio in I Cor.

In II Cor. Explanatio in II Cor.

In XII Proph. Commentarius in Duodecim Prophetas

In Heb. Fragmenta explanationum in Heb.

In Is. Commentarius in Is.

In Jo. Commentarius in Jo.

In Joel Commentarius in Duodecim Prophetas

In Luc. Fragmenta Commentarii in Luc.

In Mal. Commentarius in Duodecim Prophetas

In Matt. Fragmenta in Matt.

In Mic. Commentarius in Duodecim ...

Content not shown in limited preview…

About The Theology of St. Cyril of Alexandria: A Critical Appreciation

There is no book in English that treats the whole of Cyril’s theological thought. In the past scholars have normally focused on Cyril’s Christology and left largely unexamined the remainder of his theological thought. Thus the English-speaking scholarly community has never fully appreciated the breadth, the depth and the immense significance of Cyril’s theology.

This volume is therefore unique. The editors have brought together many of the foremost experts on Cyril. This international team examines all the major facets of his theology, and here for the first time reveals the theology of Cyril of Alexandria as a magisterial whole.

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Table of Contents