A Theology

of Christian


Introduction to

Nouthetic Counseling

Jay E. Adams

copyright © 1979 by Jay E. Adams

Requests for information should be addressed to:

Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

Library of Congress Cataloging–in–Publication Data

Adams, Jay Edward.

A theology of christian counseling.

(The Jay Adams library)

Originally published: More than redemption.

Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., © 1979.

ISBN 0–310-51101–1

1. Pastoral counseling. I. Title. II. Series:

Adams, Jay Edward. Jay Adams library.

BV4012.2.A326 1986 253.5 86–7844

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.

to betty jane

who knows how to transform

theology into life!




1. The Need for Theology in Counseling

2. Theology and Counseling

3. Counseling and Special Revelation:
The Doctrine of the Scriptures

4. Counseling and Man’s Basic Environment:
The Doctrine of God

5. God’s Name and Counseling:
The Doctrine of God, Continued

6. Counseling and Prayer:
The Doctrine of God, Continued

7. Counseling and The Trinity:
The Doctrine of God, Continued

8. Counseling and Human Life:
The Doctrine of Man

9. Counseling and Human Sin:
The Doctrine of Man, Continued

10. Counseling and Habit:
The Doctrine of Man, Continued

11. How Sin Affects Thinking
The Doctrine of Man, Continued

12. More Than Redemption:
The Doctrine of Salvation

13. Forgiveness in Counseling:
The Doctrine of Salvation, Continued

14. Counseling and The Newness of life:
The Doctrine of Sanctification

15. Counseling and The Spirit’ Fruit:
The Doctrine of Sanctification, Continued

16. Counseling and Radical Amputation:
The Doctrine of Sanctification, Continued

17. Counseling and Perseverance:
The Doctrine of Sanctification, Continued

18. Counseling and Suffering:
The Doctrine of Sanctification, Continued

19. Counseling and The Church:
The Doctrine of the Church

20. Counseling New Converts:
The Doctrine of the Church, Continued

21. Counseling and Church Discipline:
The Doctrine of the Church, Continued

22. Counseling and Works of Mercy:
The Doctrine of the Church, Continued

23. Counseling, Death and Dying:
The Doctrine of the Future

24. Counseling and Judgment:
The Doctrine of the Future, Continued

25. Conclusion



More Than Redemption is a first attempt to consider a biblical theology of counseling. As such it is woefully imbalanced and incomplete. No one knows this better than I. Yet, it has been my conviction over the years that, though incomplete, materials should be published whenever they can be presented in some sort of systematic form. I know of no better way to test views, provide current help for those who are struggling on the front lines and to ...

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About A Theology of Christian Counseling: Introduction to Nouthetic Counseling

A Theology of Christian Counseling connects biblical doctrine with practical living. Salvation, that central concern of Protestant theology, is often too narrowly defined. It is thought of as "being saved from the consequences of sin." But God is doing much more. He is making something new out of the old sinful nature. He is, in Christ, making new creatures.

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Table of Contents