L. Berkhof
With a Complete Textual Index
Fourth Revised and Enlarged Edition
Grand Rapids | Michigan |
First published in 2 volumes by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Introductory Volume to Systematic Theology
© 1932 Louis Berkhof
Systematic Theology
© 1938 Louis Berkhof
Combined edition with new preface © 1996 by
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
2140 Oak Industrial Drive N.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505 /
P.O. Box 163, Cambridge CB3 9PU U.K.
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Berkhof, Louis, 1873–1957.
Systematic theology / Louis Berkhof.—New ed. /
with a new pref. by Richard A. Muller.
p. cm.
“Containing the full text of Systematic theology and
the original Introductory volume to systematic theology.”
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8028-3820-9 (cloth: alk. paper)
1. Theology, Doctrinal 2. Reformed Church—Doctrines. | |
3. Theology, Doctrinal—Introductions. | I. Berkhof, Louis, 1873–1957. |
Introductory volume to systematic theology. II. Title. | |
BT75.B38 | 1996 |
230′.57—dc20 | 96-32290 |
Now that my Systematic Theology is again being reprinted, the Preface can be very brief. It is not necessary to say much about the nature of the work, since it has been before the public for more than fifteen years and has been used extensively. I have every reason to be grateful for its kind reception, for the favorable testimony of many reviewers, and for the fact that the book is now used as a textbook in many Theological Seminaries and Bible Schools in our country, and that requests were even received from abroad for permission to translate it into other languages. These are blessings which I had not anticipated, and for which I am deeply grateful to God. To Him be all the honor. And if the work may continue to be a blessing in many sections of the Church of Jesus Christ, it will but increase my recognition of the abundant grace of God.
L. Berkhof
Grand Rapids, Michigan,
August 1, 1949.
A. Place of the Doctrine of God in Dogmatics
B. Scriptural Proof for the Existence of God
C. Denial of the Existence of God in its Various Forms
D. The So-Called Rational Proofs for the Existence of God
A. God Incomprehensible but yet Knowable
B. Denial of the Knowability of God
C. Self-Revelation the Prerequisite of all Knowledge of God
III. Relation of the Being and Attributes of God
B. The Possibility of Knowing the Being of God
C. The Being of God Revealed in His Attributes
A. The Names of God in General
B. The Old Testament Names and their Meaning
C. The New Testament Names and their Meaning
V. The Attributes of God in General
A. Evaluation of the Terms Used
B. Method of Determining the Attributes of God
C. Suggested Divisions of the Attributes
About Systematic TheologyFor decades, Louis Berkhof’s Systematic Theology has remained one of the most important and widely-used systematic theologies. It provides the clearest and most succinct articulation of Reformed theology. From its first publication in 1932, Berkhof’s work was revised, reprinted, and translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese, and it had become a standard theological text by 1950. It has gained near-universal use in seminaries and Bible colleges across the world, and is widely cited and used by pastors, theologians, and students of nearly all denominational affiliations. Although many of Berkhof’s ideas are not original—he wrote squarely within the Reformed tradition of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck—they are succinct, clear, and well-organized. Berkhof divided his Systematic Theology into six sections: • Doctrine of God • Doctrine of Man in Relation to God • Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ • Doctrine of the Application of the Work of Redemption • Doctrine of the Church and the Means of Grace • Doctrine of the Last Things Louis Berkhof’s Systematic Theology was first published by Eerdmans in 1932 as a three-volume set: an introductory volume, plus two volumes entitled Reformed Dogmatics. Much of the material in these volumes was transcribed from his lectures at Calvin Theology Seminary between 1926 and 1928. In 1938, Berkhof revised the 2-volume Reformed Dogmatics, and it was published in smaller type by Eerdmans as a single volume entitled Systematic Theology. Berkhof’s Introductory Volume to Systematic Theology was published separately. For decades, both the Systematic Theology and its introductory volume have been reprinted as two-volume sets or combined one-volume editions. Now, Logos is pleased to offer both Berkhof’s Systematic Theology and the Introduction to Systematic Theology as separate volumes, both included in this 14-volume collection of Berkhof’s works. |
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