The Sources of Catholic Dogma
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Translated by ROY J. DEFERRARI from the Thirtieth Edition of Henry Denzinger’s Enchiridion Symbolorum


15 & 17 South Broadway, St. Louis 2, Mo.

and 33 Queen Square, London, W.C.

This translation was made from the thirtieth edition of Enchiridion Symbolorum, by Henry Denzinger, revised by Karl Rahner, S.J., published in 1954 by Herder & Co., Freiburg.


Dominic Hughes, O.P.

Censor Deputatus.


Patrick A. O’Boyle

Archbishop of Washington.

April 25, 1955

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 57-5963

Copyright 1957 by B. Herder Book Co.

Translator’s Preface

We present herewith an English version of Henry Denzinger’s Enchiridion Symbolorum, definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum, a handbook of articles of faith and morals. It is to be noted that Clement Bannwart, S.J., is responsible for the tenth edition, John Baptist Umberg, S.J., for the 18th through the 20th, and Charles Rahner, S.J., for the 28th, 29th, and 30th editions.

Every effort has been made to present an accurate as well as a readable translation. We have followed the basic principles usually accepted in this age for producing scientific translations: close adherence to the original in all matters pertaining to style, insofar as accuracy and smooth English permit. It is our belief that such adherence to the original will make not only for greater accuracy but for crispness and vitality in the translation.

It is our hope that this work will increase among English-speaking people both the knowledge of our faith and the appreciation of its continuity from the days of our Lord to our own times. Perhaps it is not too much to hope that it will also bring out more sharply the role played by the Fathers of the Church in the establishment and formulation of the basic dogmas of the faith.

Certainly we do not wish that this English version replace the original Latin and Greek, but we feel that there is great need of this translation in the institutions of higher learning in English speaking countries, where unfortunately a working knowledge of Greek no longer exists, and a practical knowledge of Latin is fast disappearing, but where, most fortunately, a desire for a systematic knowledge of theology is increasing daily. In fact, it may be said that an intense desire for a knowledge of theology is characteristic not only of the students of our institutions of higher education but in general of persons of cultivated taste in our age.

I wish to thank the Very Reverend Joseph C. Fenton, professor of dogmatic theology at The Catholic University of America for first suggesting this task to me. I wish also to acknowledge assistance given me by the Reverend Dominic Hughes, O.P., especially in the translation of the Systematic Index; also the practical help of the following in the early part of our work: Sister Mary Dorothea, S.S.N.D., of Mount Mary College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Sister Mary Gratia, S.S.N.D., of ...

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About The Sources of Catholic Dogma

Denzinger’s collection of articles of faith and morality for the Catholic Church is widely used as a comprehensive reference book. Presented in a practical and accessible manner, it includes dogmatic definitions, creeds of the faith, and decrees of Church leadership. Since its first printing a century and a half ago, this book has received accolades and wide appeal among Catholic scholarly works. First published in 1854 as Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum, Denzinger’s Sources of Catholic Dogma is among the most important works of dogmatic theology in print today.

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