Copyright © 2023 by Crossway
Published by Crossway
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Cover design: Jordan Singer
Cover image: The Stapleton Collection / Bridgeman Images
First printing 2023
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible. Public domain.
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4335-8196-0
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-8199-1
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-8197-7
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-8198-4
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Haynes, Lemuel, 1753-1833, author. Title: Selected sermons / Lemuel Haynes. Description: Wheaton, Illinois : Crossway, 2023. | Series: The Crossway short classics series | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2022006187 (print) | LCCN 2022006188 (ebook) | ISBN 9781433581960 (trade paperback) | ISBN 9781433581977 (pdf) | ISBN 9781433581984 (mobi) | ISBN 9781433581991 (epub) Subjects: LCSH: Haynes, Lemuel, 1753-1833—Sermons. Classification: LCC BX7260.H315 A5 2023 (print) | LCC BX7260. H315 (ebook) | DDC 230.58092 [B]—dc23/eng/20220718 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2022006187 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2022006188 |
The Crossway Short Classics Series
Foreword by Jared C. Wilson
The Character and Work of a Spiritual Watchman Described
You hold in your hands a rare gem recovered from one of the darker mines of church history, as Lemuel Haynes is perhaps the single most important American figure most Christians have never heard of. Born July 18th in 1753 to a Black man and a White woman, Haynes was abandoned by his parents in the home of a family friend who sold the infant Haynes into indentured servitude. By the providential hand of God, however, young Lemuel was placed into a Christian home, where by all accounts, including his own, he was treated as a member of the family and raised to love the things of God.1
Growing up in colonial Vermont, Haynes worked hard and studied hard, proving himself quite adept at intellectual pursuits despite being largely self-taught. He has affectionately been called a “disciple of the chimney-corner” as that is where he would spend most evenings after work reading and memorizing while other children were out playing or engaging in other diversions.
Haynes’s commitment to theology began in that chimney-corner, and eventually he was born again. Not long after his conversion, he turned his followership of Christ and his intellectual bent into a ...
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About Selected Sermons (Crossway Short Classics)The Crossway Short Classics Series Presents Rare Sermons from Black Puritan Minister Lemuel Haynes. Born in 1753, Lemuel Haynes was an indentured servant who grew to become a dynamic Reformed preacher. Nicknamed “The Black Puritan,” he is credited as being the first African-American ordained for ministry in the United States. This addition to the Crossway Short Classics series presents some of Haynes’s important yet little-known work. Selected Sermons features 4 rarely published sermons, along with a biography of Haynes. In “Universal Salvation,” he preaches on the reality of hell and the character of Satan. “A Sermon on John 3:3” explores Jesus’s command to be born again. “The Character and Work of a Spiritual Watchman Described” details qualifications for gospel ministers, and in “Liberty Further Extended,” he presents a biblical argument against slavery and oppression. This collection of Haynes’s sermons offers readers robust spiritual insight and a closer look at an extraordinary figure in church history. Collection of Rarely Published Sermons: A unique, accessible resource for pastors and scholars. Written by Black Puritan Minister Lemuel Haynes: Includes his sermons on racial justice, regeneration, biblical qualifications for ministry, and the heresy of universalism. Part of the Crossway Short Classics Series: Other titles include The Lord’s Work in the Lord’s Way and No Little People; The Life of God in the Soul of Man; and Fighting for Holiness. Includes a Foreword by Jared C. Wilson. |
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