Principles of

Biblical Interpretation

(Sacred Hermeneutics)


L. Berkhof, B. D.

President Emeritus of Calvin Seminary

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Copyright 1950 by

Louis Berkhof

ISBN: 0–8010–6477–5

Twenty-fourth printing, April 1994

All rights in this book are reserved. No part may be reproduced in any manner without permission in writing from the publisher, except brief quotations used in connection with reviews in a magazine or newspaper.



I. Introduction

II. History of Hermeneutical Principles Among the Jews

A. Definition of History of Hermeneutics

B. Principles of Interpretation among the Jews

III. History of Hermeneutical Principles in the Christian Church

A. The Patristic Period

B. The Period of the Middle Ages

C. The Period of the Reformation

D. The Period of Confessionalism

E. The Historico-Critical Period

IV. The Proper Conception of the Bible, the Object of Hermeneutica Sacra

A. The Inspiration of the Bible

B. Unity and Diversity in the Bible

C. The Unity of the Sense of Scripture

D. The Style of Scripture: General Characteristics

E. The Exegetical Standpoint of the Interpreter

V. Grammatical Interpretation

A. Meaning of the Separate Words

B. The Meaning of the Words in their Connection

C. Internal Helps for the Explanation of Words

D. The Figurative Use of Words

E. Interpretation of the Thought

F. Internal Helps for the Interpretation of the Thought

G. External Helps for the Grammatical Interpretation

VI. Historical Interpretation

A. Definition and Explanation

B. Personal Characteristics of the Author or Speaker

C. Social Circumstances of the Author

D. Circumstances Peculiar to the Writings

E. Helps of the Historical Interpretation

VII. Theological Interpretation

A. Name

B. The Bible as a Unity

C. The Mystical Sense of Scripture

D. The Symbolical and Typical Interpretation of Scripture

E. The Interpretation of Prophecy

F. The Interpretation of the Psalms

G. The Implied Sense of Scripture

H. Helps for the Theological Interpretation



Much of the present day confusion in the realm of religion, and in the application of Biblical principles, stems from distorted interpretation and misinterpretation of God’s Word. That is true even in those circles which adhere unwaveringly to the infallibility of Holy Scriptures.

We are convinced that the adoption and use of sound principles of interpretation in the study of the Bible will prove surprisingly fruitful. We believe that this is one means which “the Spirit of truth” is pleased to use in leading His people “into all truth.” It is with this in mind that we offer this book for individual guidance in the study of Scriptures, and particularly for use in seminaries and Bible schools. The early adoption of valid procedure in Biblical interpretation will lead the devoted kingdom worker to a life of useful service for the advancement of God’s kingdom.

The Publishers

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About Principles of Biblical Interpretation: Sacred Hermeneutics

The Bible is unique among literature, because—unlike other written works—the Bible contains the principles which determine and govern its own interpretation. This landmark work on Reformed hermeneutics introduces readers to a method of interpreting Scripture as the uniquely inspired Word of God. Berkhof affirms the inspiration of Scripture, affirming and expanding upon B.B. Warfield’s definition of inspiration. Berkhof also explores the unity and diversity of biblical texts, the style and genre of Scripture, and Reformed principles of exegesis—firmly rooted in the spirit of the Reformation: that everyone has access to read and interpret Scripture.

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Table of Contents