The Acts of the Apostles
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The Acts of the Apostles

David G. Peterson

William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company

Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge, U.K.

© 2009 David Peterson

All rights reserved

Published 2009 in the United States of America by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

2140 Oak Industrial Drive N.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505 / P.O. Box 163, Cambridge CB3 9PU U.K.

and in the United Kingdom by APOLLOS

Norton Street, Nottingham,

England NG7 3HR

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Peterson, David, 1944–

The Acts of the Apostles / David G. Peterson.

p. cm.—(The Pillar New Testament commentary)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-8028-3731-8 (cloth: alk. paper)

1. Bible. N.T. Acts—Commentaries. I. Title.

BS2625.53.P43 2009



British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Apollos ISBN 978-1-84474-386-5


Copyright © 2001, 2005 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of The Zondervan Corporation and the International Bible Society.


Editor’s Preface

Author’s Preface




I. Authorship and Date

A. Authorship

B. Date

II. Genre

A. The Unity of Luke and Acts

B. Ancient Literary Models for Acts

1. Historical Monograph

2. Biography

3. Historical Novel

C. Acts and Biblical Histories

D. Conclusion about Genre

III. Sources, Rhetoric, and Historical Reliability

A. Sources

B. Rhetoric

C. Historical Reliability

IV. Character, Structure, and Purpose

A. Character

1. A Theological History

2. A Narrative Dominated by Speeches

3. A Narrative of Fulfillment

B. Structure

1. The Progress of ‘the Word’

2. Further Indications of Expansion and Church Growth

3. An Expositional Outline

C. Purpose

V. Interpretive Issues

A. Literary Approaches to Acts

B. Some Editorial Techniques with Thematic Implications

1. Editorial Summaries

2. Inclusions

3. Use of Key Terms

4. Use of Scripture

5. Speeches, with Patterns of Repetition

6. Narrative Repetition

7. Parallel Accounts

8. Contrasting Accounts

9. Some Significant Geographical, Cultural, and Social Indicators

C. Characterisation

VI. Textual Matters

The Theology of Acts

I. God and His Plan

II. Jesus as Messiah and Lord

III. The Holy Spirit

IV. Salvation

V. The Gospel

VI. The Atoning Work of Jesus

VII. Witness and Mission

VIII. Miracles

IX. Magic and the Demonic

X. The Church


I. Introduction and Recapitulation: The Mission Plan of the Risen Lord (1:1–14)

A. The Promise of the Spirit (1:1–5)

B. The Commissioning of the Apostles (1:6–8)

C. The Ascension of Christ and Its Aftermath (1:9–14)

II. The Word in Jerusalem (1:15–6:7)

A. Completion of the Apostolic Circle (1:15–26)

1. The Fate of Judas (1:15–20)

2. The Choice of Matthias (1:21–26)

B. The Restoration of Israel Begins (2:1–40)

1. The Coming of the Spirit (2:1–13)

2. Peter’s Interpretation of the Event (2:14–40)...

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About The Acts of the Apostles

Fifteen years in the making, this comprehensive commentary by David Peterson offers thorough exegesis and exposition of the Acts of the Apostles, drawing on recent scholarship in the fields of narrative criticism and theological analysis. It incorporates insights into historical-social background, and investigates why Luke presents his material in the way he does.

In view of how long the book of Acts is—over a thousand verses—Peterson’s commentary is admirably economical yet meaty. His judgments, according to Don Carson, are always “sane, evenhanded, and judicious.” Even while unpacking exegetical details, Peterson constantly scans the horizon, keeping the larger picture in mind. With its solid exegesis, astute theological analysis, and practical contemporary application, Peterson’s Acts of the Apostles is a commentary that preachers, teachers, and students everywhere will want and need.

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