Paul and Union with Christ

An Exegetical and Theological Study

Constantine R. Campbell


Paul and Union with Christ

Copyright © 2012 by Constantine R. Campbell

Requests for information should be addressed to:

Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Campbell, Constantine R.

Paul and union with Christ: an exegetical and theological study / Constantine R. Campbell.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references (pp.445–63) and indexes.

ISBN 978-0-310-32905-3 (softcover)

1. Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul —Criticism, interpretation, etc. 2. Mystical union. I. Title.

BS2655.M85C36 2012

227′.06 —dc23


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Cover photography: Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY

Interior design: Matthew Van Zomeren

For Jasmine, Xanthe and Lukas




Introductory Matters

Chapter 1

Introduction and Methodology

1.1 Paul and Union with Christ

1.2 An Exegetical-Theological Approach

1.3 Determining the Exegetical Data

1.4 Prepositions, Formulas, Idioms

1.5 The Pauline Canon

1.6 The Shape of the Study

1.7 The Major Conclusions of the Study

Chapter 2

The State of the Union

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Adolf Deissmann (1892)

2.3 Wilhelm Bousset (1913)

2.4 Albert Schweitzer (1930)

2.5 Rudolf Bultmann (1948–1953)

2.6 John Murray (1955)

2.7 Alfred Wikenhauser (1960)

2.8 Fritz Neugebauer (1961)

2.9 Michel Bouttier (1962)

2.10 Karl Barth (1932–1968)

2.11 Robert C. Tannehill (1967)

2.12 W. D. Davies (1970)

2.13 E. P. Sanders (1977)

2.14 Richard B. Gaffin (1978)

2.15 James D. G. Dunn (1998)

2.16 Michael S. Horton (2007)

2.17 Michael J. Gorman (2009)

2.18 Synthesis

2.18.1 Conceptual Antecedents

2.18.2 Defining Pauline Mysticism

2.18.3 Role within Paul’s Theology

2.18.4 Sacramentalism

2.18.5 Personhood and Deification

2.18.6 Body of Christ

Exegetical Study

Chapter 3

Ἐν Χριστῷ

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Ἐν

3.3 Things Achieved for/Given to People in Christ

3.3.1 Summary

3.4 Believers’ Actions in Christ

3.4.1 Summary

3.5 Characteristics of Those in Christ

3.5.1 Summary

3.6 Faith in Christ

3.6.1 Summary

3.7 Justification in Christ...

Content not shown in limited preview…

About Paul and Union With Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study

Paul and Union with Christ fills the gap for biblical scholars, theologians, and pastors pondering and debating the meaning of union with Christ.

Following a selective survey of scholarly work on union with Christ from the twentieth century to the present day, Greek scholar Constantine Campbell carefully examines every occurrence of the phrases “in Christ”, “with Christ”, “through Christ”, “into Christ,” and other related expressions, exegeting each passage in context and taking into account the unique lexical contribution of each Greek preposition. Campbell then builds a holistic portrayal of Paul’s thinking and engages contemporary theological discussions about union with Christ by employing his evidence-based understanding of the theme.

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Table of Contents