Opening Up Genesis
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© Day One Publications 2009

First printed 2009

Unless stated otherwise, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (

ISBN 978-1-84625-159-7

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data available

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For Anthony,

lover of Jesus and missionary to Ethiopia:

“God meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20)



Background and summary: The book of beginnings

Part 1: Paradise lost (1:1–11:32)

1 In the beginning God … (1:1–2:25)

2 Paradise lost (3:1–5:32)

3 If it keeps on raining … (6:1–9:29)

4 Stairway to heaven (10:1–11:32)

Part 2: Abraham—man of faith (12:1–23:20)

5 In you all the families of the earth will be blessed? (12:1–14:24)

6 Abram believed God (15:1–18:15)

7 Hellfire and brimstone (18:16–20:18)

8 Promise and provision (21:1–23:20)

Part 3: Isaac and Jacob—men of God’s own choosing (24:1–36:43)

9 All in the family (24:1–26:35)

10 Jacob I loved? (27:1–31:55)

11 A new name (32:1–36:43)

Part 4: Joseph—God meant it for good (37:1–50:26)

12 Misery and mystery (37:1–38:30)

13 Faithfulness and favor (39:1–41:57)

14 Change is good (42:1–45:28)

15 Finishing well (46:1–50:26)

List of Bible abbreviations


Gen. Genesis

Exod. Exodus

Lev. Leviticus

Num. Numbers

Deut. Deuteronomy

Josh. Joshua

Judg. Judges

Ruth Ruth

1 Sam. 1 Samuel

2 Sam. 2 Samuel

1 Kings 1 Kings

2 Kings 2 Kings

1 Chr. 1 Chronicles

2 Chr. 2 Chronicles

Ezra Ezra

Neh. Nehemiah

Esth. Esther

Job Job

Ps. Psalms

Prov. Proverbs

Eccles. Ecclesiastes

S. of S. Song of Solomon

Isa. Isaiah

Jer. Jeremiah

Lam. Lamentations

Ezek. Ezekiel

Dan. Daniel

Hosea Hosea

Joel Joel

Amos Amos

Obad. Obadiah

Jonah Jonah

Micah Micah

Nahum Nahum

Hab. Habakkuk

Zeph. Zephaniah

Hag. Haggai

Zech. Zechariah

Mal. Malachi


Matt. Matthew

Mark Mark

Luke Luke

John John

Acts Acts

Rom. Romans

1 Cor. 1 Corinthians

2 Cor. 2 Corinthians

Gal. Galatians

Eph. Ephesians

Phil. Philippians

Col. Colossians

1 Thes. 1 Thessalonians

2 Thes. 2 Thessalonians

1 Tim. 1 Timothy

2 Tim. 2 Timothy

Titus Titus

Philem. Philemon

Heb. Hebrews

James James

1 Peter 1 Peter

2 Peter 2 Peter

1 John 1 John

2 John 2 John

3 John 3 John

Jude Jude

Rev. Revelation

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About Opening Up Genesis

Genesis is the book of beginnings. But it is also a book about God. “In the beginning, God” is the opening freeze-frame of the Bible. If we go back before the world sprang into being, we find God. If we ask where the world came from, Genesis answers: God. If we wonder why the universe continues to operate in an orderly, timely, predictable fashion, the answer in Genesis is God. And as we ponder how all this ancient information has been preserved and passed down to us, the answer again is God, who gave this book to Moses and had him write it down for the ages.

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