More Noncanonical Scriptures
volume one
Edited by
Tony Burke and Brent Landau
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
2140 Oak Industrial Drive N.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505
© 2016 Tony Burke and Brent Landau
All rights reserved
Published 2016
ISBN 978-0-8028-7289-0
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Burke, Tony, 1968– editor. | Landau, Brent, editor.
Title: New Testament apocrypha : more noncanonical scriptures / edited by Tony Burke, Brent Landau.
Other titles: Bible. Apocrypha. English. 2016.
Description: Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2016– | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016009263 | ISBN 9780802872890 (hardback : vol. 1)
Subjects: LCSH: Apocryphal books (New Testament)
Classification: LCC BS1692 2016 | DDC 229/.92052—dc23
LC record available at
Biblical citations in this volume follow the New Revised Standard Version unless otherwise noted.
Montague Rhodes James and James Keith Elliott,
editors and translators of The Apocryphal New Testament (1924 and 1993)
Foreword: The Endurance of the Christian Apocrypha
J. K. Elliott
Katharina Heyden
Brent Landau
Mark Glen Bilby
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas (Syriac)
Tony Burke
William Adler
Brent Landau and Stanley E. Porter
Ross P. Ponder
The Dialogue of the Paralytic with Christ
Bradley N. Rice
The Toledot Yeshu (Aramaic Fragment)
F. Stanley Jones
The Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon
Alin Suciu
The Discourse of the Savior and the Dance of the Savior
Paul C. Dilley
Christine Luckritz Marquis
An Encomium on John the Baptist
Philip L. Tite
The Life and Martyrdom of John the Baptist
Andrew Bernhard
The Life of John the Baptist by Serapion
Slavomír Čéplö
The Legend of the Thirty Pieces of Silver
Tony Burke and Slavomír Čéplö
The Death of Judas according to Papias
Geoffrey S. Smith
Glenn E. Snyder
The Acts of Cornelius the Centurion
Tony Burke and Witold Witakowski
Rick Brannan
The History of Simon Cephas, the Chief of the Apostles
F. Stanley Jones
Cavan W. Concannon
Richard I. Pervo
The Life and Conduct of the Holy Women Xanthippe, Polyxena, and Rebecca
David L. Eastman
The Epistle of Christ from Heaven
Calogero A. Miceli
David L. Eastman
The (Latin) Revelation of John about Antichrist
Charles D. Wright
Stephen ...
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About New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures, Volume OneThis anthology of ancient nonbiblical Christian literature presents informed introductions to and readable translations of a wide range of little-known apocryphal texts, most of which have never before been translated into any modern language. An introduction to the volume as a whole addresses the most significant features of the writings included and contextualizes them within the contemporary study of the Christian Apocrypha. The body of the book comprises thirty texts that have been carefully introduced, copiously annotated, and translated into English by eminent scholars. With dates of composition ranging from the second century CE to early in the second millennium, these fascinating texts provide a more complete picture of Christian thought and expression than canonical texts alone can offer. |
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