Old Testament Editor: Nancy L. Erickson
New Testament Editor: Christopher A. Beetham
Consulting Editors: Karen H. Jobes, Tremper Longman III, Scot McKnight, Douglas J. Moo, and John H. Walton
Abridging Editor: Adam T. Barr
The NIV Application Commentary on the Bible
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ePub Edition © June 2024: ISBN 978-0-310-53081-7
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This one-volume abridgment has been years in the making and is built on decades of scholarship. The pages here represent hundreds of thousands of hours of research, writing, and editing, from the first volumes published in 1995 (1 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians) to the final volume released in 2021 (Ezra/Nehemiah). The labor of love can be seen on the card page (p. iv), where each author is attributed to their work. The names represent some of the best scholarship over the past three decades. Review the list and be amazed! ...
About The NIV Application Commentary on the BibleThe NIV Application Commentary on the Bible enables readers to better understand not just what the Bible means, but also what it means for their lives. Clear explanations of every passage in the Bible are presented alongside insights into contemporary significance. Written by top-notch evangelical scholars but requiring no formal Bible or seminary training, The NIV Application Commentary on the Bible is useful both for personal study and for teaching preparation. Included for each book of the Bible is: • A brief introduction to the book. • An outline of the book to clarify important structures and themes. • Commentary on the original meaning of each passage. • An application section to walk readers through the contexts in which the passage can be applied today. |
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