A New Covenant Commentary
Gordon D. Fee
CASCADE Books • Eugene, Oregon
A New Covenant Commentary
New Covenant Commentary Series 18
Copyright © 2011 Gordon D. Fee.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, or stored on any information storage and retrieval system without prior permission in writing from the publishers. For permissions write to Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Avenue, Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.
Cascade Books
An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers
199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3
Eugene, OR 97401
isbn 13: 978-1-60899-431-1
Cataloguing-in-Publication data:
Fee, Gordon
Revelation: a new covenant commentary / Gordon D. Fee.
xxii + 332 p.; 23 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index.
New Covenant Commentary Series 18
isbn 13: 978-1-60899-431-11
1. Bible. N.T. Revelation—Commentaries. I. Title. II. Series.
bs2825.53 f45 2011
The Introduction (Revelation 1)
The Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2–3)
Fusing the Horizons: Christ and His Church(es)
John’s Vision of Heaven and Earth (Revelation 4–6)
Fusing the Horizons: Getting One’s Priorities in Order
An Interlude in Two Parts (Revelation 7)
The Blowing of the Seven Trumpets (Revelation 8–11)
The Holy War Is Engaged (Revelation 12:1–14:13)
Prelude to the (Original) Tale of Two Cities (Revelation 14:14–20)
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath (Revelation 15–16)
The (Original) Tale of Two Cities, Part 1: The Demise of Rome (17:1–19:10)
The Last Battle and the End of Evil (Revelation 19:11–20:15)
The (Original) Tale of Two Cities, Part 2: God Makes All Things New (Revelation 21:1–22:5)
Fusing the Horizons: The Original Tale of Two Cities
The Wrap-Up (or Epilogue) (Revelation 22:6–21)
The Introduction (Revelation 1)
The Revelation as Apocalypse and Prophecy (1:1–3)
The Johannine Prescript (1:4–8)
The Dramatis Personae: John Introduces Himself and His Recipients (1:9–11)
The Dramatis Personae: John’s Vision of Christ (1:12–16)
John’s Response to the Lord’s Command (1:17–20)
The Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2–3)
To the Church in Ephesus (2:1–7)
To the Church in Smyrna (2:8–11)
To the Church in Pergamum (2:12–17)
To the Church in Thyatira (2:18–29)
To the Church in Sardis (3:1–6)
To the Church in Philadelphia (3:7–13)
To the Church in Laodicea (3:14–22)
John’s Vision of Heaven and Earth (Revelation 4–6)
The Occupants of Heaven and Their Worship (4:6b–11)
The Lion Who Is a Lamb (5:5–6)
The Lamb Takes the Scroll and Heaven Rejoices (5:7–13)
The Opening of the First Six Seals (6:1–17)
Seals One through Four: The Four Horsemen (6:1–8)
The Fifth Seal: The Martyrs (6:9–11)
The Sixth Seal: The Great Earthquake (6:12–17)
An Interlude in Two Parts (Revelation 7)
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About Revelation: A New Covenant CommentaryRevelation is a book that many Christians find confusing due to the foreign nature of its apocalyptic imagery. It is a book that has prompted endless discussions about the “end times” with theological divisions forming around epicenters such as the rapture and the millennium. In this book, award winning author Gordon Fee attempts to excavate the layers of symbolic imagery and provide an exposition of Revelation that is clear, easy to follow, convincing, and engaging. Fee shows us how John’s message confronts the world with the Revelation of Jesus Christ so that Christians might see themselves as caught up in the drama of God’s triumph over sin, evil, and death. Fee draws us into the world of John and invites us to see the world through John’s eyes as the morbid realities of this world have the joyous realities of heaven cast over them. In this latest installment in the New Covenant Commentary Series we see one of North America’s best evangelical exegetes at his very best. |
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