A New Covenant Commentary
Michael F. Bird
CASCADE Books · Eugene, Oregon
A New Covenant Commentary
New Covenant Commentary Series 12
Copyright © 2009 by Michael F. Bird.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, or stored on any information storage and retrieval system without prior permission in writing from the publishers. For permissions write to Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Avenue, Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.
Cascade Books
A Division of Wipf and Stock Publishers
199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3
Eugene, OR 97401
isbn: 978-1-60608-131-0
Cataloging-in-Publication data:
Bird, Michael F.
Colossians and Philemon: a new covenant commentary
xiv + 178 p.; 23 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index.
New Covenant Commentary Series 12
isbn: 978-1-60608-131-0
1. Bible. N.T. Colossians—Commentaries. 2. Bible. N.T. Philemon—Commentaries. I. Title. II. Series.
bs2715.53 b57 2009
Introduction to Colossians and Philemon
Fusing the Horizons: The Global Church
Fusing the Horizons: Christological Assertions
Fusing the Horizons: Common Faith
Excursus: Colossians and the Roman Empire
Fusing the Horizons: Doctrine and Life
Fusing the Horizons: Christian Leaders
Fusing the Horizons: Ministerial Formation
Commentary writing is, so I have learned, no simple feat. There is the mammoth task of doing your own translation, an immense volume of primary and secondary literature to read and interact with, and the struggle of trying to find something new or incredibly profound to say in every single verse when you find yourself most of the time agreeing with those who ploughed the textual terrain before you. I’m reminded of Calvin’s words in the preface to his Romans commentary where he virtually apologizes for writing another commentary on Paul’s letter despite so many fine volumes already existing:
Since so many scholars of pre-eminent learning have previously devoted their efforts to explaining this Epistle, it seems unlikely that there is any room left for others to produce something better … It will, however, I hope be admitted that nothing has ever been so perfectly done by men that there is no room left for those who follow them to refine, adorn, or illustrate their work. I do not dare to say anything of myself, except that I thought that the present work would be of some profit, and that I have been led to undertake it for no other reason than the common good of the Church.
All I can say is that I have labored here as best as I can and I hope that the fruit of this work is fresh, stimulating, and challenging for those who belong to the new covenant communities of the twenty-first century. As it is, much of the content was formed through ...
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About Colossians and Philemon: A New Covenant CommentaryMichael Bird’s commentary on Colossians and Philemon in the New Covenant Commentary Series pays close attention to the socio-historical context, the flow and dynamics of the text, their argumentative strategy, theological message, and the meaning of Colossians and Philemon for the contemporary church today. Bird situates Colossians in the context of Paul’s Ephesian ministry and describes how Paul attempts to persuade a congregation in the Lycus Valley to remain firm in the gospel and to grasp the cosmic majesty of Jesus Christ over and against the views of certain Jewish mystics who have thrown the Colossians into confusion. He shows how, in the letter to Philemon, Paul intercedes for a slave estranged from his master through a carefully crafted feat of pastoral persuasion from a missionary friend of Philemon. The commentary combines exegetical insight, rhetorical analysis, theological exposition, and practical application all in one short volume. Bird shows Paul at work as a theologian, pastor, and missionary in his letters to the Colossians and Philemon. |
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