A Christian Perspective




Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson: A Christian Perspective

Copyright 2020 Ron Dart

Lexham Press, 1313 Commercial St., Bellingham, WA 98225

All rights reserved. You may use brief quotations from this resource in presentations, articles, and books. For all other uses, please write Lexham Press for permission. Email us at

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the King James Version. Public domain.

Print ISBN 9781683593621

Digital ISBN 9781683593638

Library of Congress Control Number: 2019953123

Lexham Editorial: Jesse Myers, Elliot Ritzema, Jeff Reimer, Erin Mangum

Cover Design: Jim LePage



Ron Dart

1. Jordan Peterson and the Chaos of Our Secular Age

Bruce Riley Ashford

2. Jordan Peterson the Counter-Revolutionary: Marxism, Postmodern Neo-Marxism, and Suffering

Hunter Baker

3. Language and Freedom: Peterson as Champion of Free Speech (and Freedom from Compelled Speech)

Alastair Roberts

4. Myth, Memoricide, and Jordan Peterson

Ron Dart

5. Archetypes, Symbols, and Allegorical Exegesis: Jordan Peterson’s Turn to the Bible in Context

T. S. Wilson

6. Jordan Peterson’s Genesis Lectures: Interpreting the Bible between Rationalism and Nihilism

Laurence Brown

7. The Image of Christ: Jordan Peterson as Humanist

Esther O’Reilly

8. Professor Peterson, Professor Peterson: What Is Your View on … Science and Religion?

Esgrid Sikahall

9. A Kierkegaardian Reading of Jordan Peterson

Stephen M. Dunning

10. Being and Meaning: Jordan Peterson’s Antidote to Evil

Matthew Steem and Joy Steem

List of Contributors

Subject and Author Index


The autumn of 2016 ushered Jordan Peterson from his research-lecturing-publishing job at the University of Toronto onto the public stage, with gender-neutral pronouns and compelled speech the occasion of the initial performance. Peterson’s position on Bill C-16, regarding the use of personal pronouns for transgender people, generated substantive reactions from both ideological progressives and the alt-right. A year later, the treatment of Lindsay Shepherd, a graduate student at Wilfrid Laurier University who dared to show a clip of Peterson in class, which some felt should not be done, further accelerated the brittle polarization in the culture wars. In January 2018, following the publication of Peterson’s book 12 Rules for Life, the highly animated and much-discussed debate of sorts between him and TV journalist Cathy Newman generated many more clashing interpretations, whereas the more measured, balanced, and insightful reflections by Catholic bishop Robert Barron in February made for a finer and more nuanced read.1 An anti-Peterson attitude in the liberal establishment was consolidated by the Munk Debate in Toronto between Peterson and Stephen Fry in May of 2018,2 the critical article in the Toronto Star by Peterson’s former colleague Bernard Schiff that ...

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About Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson: A Christian Perspective

Popular philosopher Jordan Peterson has captured the imagination of Western world.

For some, Peterson represents all that is wrong with patriarchal culture; for others, he is the Canadian academic prophet who has come to save civilization from dizzying confusion. Regardless of how one feels about him, his influence in North America—and beyond—is difficult to deny.

While the “Peterson phenomenon” has motivated numerous articles and responses, much of what has been written is either excessively fawning or overly critical. Little has been produced that explores Peterson’s thought—especially his immensely popular 12 Rules for Life—within the context of his overall context and scholarly output. How is one to understand the ascendency of Jordan Peterson and why he’s become so popular? Does his earlier Maps of Meaning shed light on how one might understand his worldwide bestseller, 12 Rules for Life?

In Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson, scholars across various disciplines explore various aspects of Jordan Peterson’s thought from a Christian perspective. Both critical and charitable, sober-minded and generous, this collection of ten essays is a key resource for those looking to faithfully engage with Jordan Peterson’s thought.

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