Empire in the New Testament
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Empire in the New Testament

edited by

Stanley E. Porter


Cynthia Long Westfall

PICKWICK Publications • Eugene, Oregon


McMaster Divinity College Press New Testament Study Series 10

Copyright © 2011 Wipf and Stock Publishers. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.

McMaster Divinity College Press

1280 Main Street West

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

l8s 4k1

Pickwick Publications

An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers

199 W. 8th Av.e, Suite 3

Eugene, OR 97401


isbn 13: 978-1-60899-599-8

Cataloging-in-Publication data:

Empire in the New Testament / edited by Stanley E. Porter and Cynthia Long Westfall

xii + 306 p.; 23 cm.—Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

McMaster Divinity College Press New Testament Study Series 10

isbn 13: 978-1-60899-599-8

1. Church history—Primitive and early church, ca. 30–600. 2. Religion and politics—Rome—History. 3. David, King of Israel. 4. Bible. O.T. Isaiah—Criticism, interpretation, etc. 5. Bible. N.T. Matthew—Criticism, interpretation, etc. 6. Bible. N.T. Luke and Acts—Criticism, interpretation, etc. 7. Bible. N.T. John—Criticism, interpretation, etc. 8. Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul—Criticism, interpretation, etc. 9. Fathers of the Church. I. Porter, Stanley E., 1956–. II. Westfall, Cynthia Long. III. Title. IV. Series.

bs2545 e5 2011





Introduction: Empire, the New Testament, and BeyondStanley E. Porter and Cynthia Long Westfall

1 The Old Testament Context of David’s Costly Flirtation with Empire-BuildingDouglas K. Stuart

2 Walking in the Light of Yahweh: Zion and the Empires in the Book of IsaiahMark J. Boda

3 Matthew and EmpireWarren Carter

4 King Jesus and His Ambassadors: Empire and Luke-ActsCraig A. Evans

5 “I Have Conquered the World”: The Death of Jesus and the End of Empire in the Gospel of JohnTom Thatcher

6 Paul Confronts Caesar with the Good NewsStanley E. Porter

7 “This was Not an Ordinary Death”: Empire and Atonement in the Minor Pauline Epistles—Matthew Forrest Lowe

8 Running the Gamut: The Varied Responses to Empire in Jewish ChristianityCynthia Long Westfall

9 The Church Fathers and the Roman EmpireGordon L. Heath

Modern Authors Index

Ancient Sources Index


The 2007 H. H. Bingham Colloquium on the New Testament at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada was entitled “Empire in the New Testament.” The Colloquium was the thirteenth in a continuing series. At the Colloquium, scholars from all over North America took the opportunity to exchange important perspectives on this current and controversial New Testament theme, perspectives that demonstrated a variety of approaches in discovering the relationships among the New Testament, early ...

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About Empire in the New Testament

How does a Christian “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God’s”? This book, developed from the 2007 Bingham Colloquium, examines the New Testament’s response to the empires of God and Caesar. Two chapters explore the Old Testament’s concept of empire, and six others address the response to the notion of empire—both human and divine—in the various authors of the New Testament. A final chapter investigates how the Church Fathers regarded the matter. The essays display various methods and positions; together, they represent the state of empire studies in the New Testament.

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