and Christian Responses
Eighth Edition
edited by
Patricia Beattie Jung and L. Shannon Jung
Fortress Press
Eighth Edition
Copyright © 2013 Fortress Press. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Visit or write to Permissions, Augsburg Fortress, Box 1209, Minneapolis, MN 55440.
Cover image: Memories of Genocide © Joe McNally/Getty Images News/Getty Images
Cover design: Laurie Ingram
Book design: PerfecType, Nashville, TN
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Moral issues and Christian responses / edited by Patricia Beattie Jung
and L. Shannon Jung.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8006-9896-6 (pbk.: alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4514-2443-0
1. Christian ethics. I. Jung, Patricia Beattie. II. Jung, L. Shannon
(Loyle Shannon), 1943–
BJ1251. J86 2013
Introduction: A Primer on Doing Ethics
Part One: What Makes Ethics Christian?
Walter Brueggemann
Phyllis Trible
A Death to Celebrate? The Just-War Tradition and the Killing of Osama Bin Laden
Ronald Osborn
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Brain
David A. Hogue
“Wading through Many Sorrows”: Toward a Theology of Suffering in Womanist Perspective
M. Shawn Copeland
Edward Collins Vacek
Mujerista Discourse: A Platform for Latinas’ Subjugated Knowledge
Ada María Isasi-Díaz
“Rights and Wrongs”: An Interview with Nicholas Wolterstorff
The Unholy Trinity of Consumerism
Skye Jethani
Imitating God: Nickel Mines, Forgiveness, and Yoder
Donald B. Kraybill
John Kekes
Lessons in Mercy: Justice and Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Atrocities
Daniel Philpott
Letting Go: The Final Miracle of Forgiveness
Miroslav Volf
Rowan Williams
Marriage Prep and Double Standards: The Hookup Culture’s Damaging Effects
Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman
Good Sex: Its Meaning and Morals
Dennis Hollinger
Love Your Enemy: Sex, Power, and Christian Ethics
Karen Lebacqz
Elissa Cooper
Chapter 5: Marriage and Family
Michael G. Lawler and Gail S. Risch
Judith Ewing
No Good Divorce: The Children’s Perspective: An Interview with Elizabeth Marquardt
David Instone-Brewer
Patti Ricotta
Advice and Consent: Monogamy in the Age of Dan Savage
Benjamin J. Dueholm
About Moral Issues and Christian ResponsesThis popular anthology for the study of Christian ethics, now in its eighth edition, has been a mainstay of undergraduate courses for nearly 30 years. Shannon and Patricia Jung provide an introduction to contemporary moral issues from decidedly, yet diverse, Christian moral perspectives. The anthology intentionally seeks a range of voices to produce a kind of “point/counterpoint” discussion of an ethical issue. Issues include: the distinctiveness of Christian ethics, sexuality, reproductive rights, prejudice, immigration, the environment, economics, biomedical ethics, death and dying, terrorism, war, and globalization. |
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