Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions
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The Lutheran Confessions

A Reader’s Edition of the Book of Concord

General Editor
Paul Timothy McCain

Associate Editor
Edward Andrew Engelbrecht

Assistant Editors
Robert Cleveland Baker
Gene Edward Veith

Revised, updated, and annotated based on the translation by

William Hermann Theodore Dau

Gerhard Friedrich Bente

Second Edition

Concordia Publishing House • Saint Louis

Copyright © 2005, 2006 Concordia Publishing House

3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118-3968

1-800-325-3040 •

All rights reserved. First edition 2005; second edition 2006. Except as noted below, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Concordia Publishing House.

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Quotations from the Lutheran Confessions are from Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions, copyright © 2005, 2006 by Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission. All rights reserved. To purchase a copy of Concordia, call 800-325-3040.

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About Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions

Nothing is more important than clearly confessing and bearing witness to the truths of God’s Holy Word which reveal the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is what the Book of Concord is all about. This edition of the Lutheran Confessions will instruct, inspire and educate all who use it and help them learn what it means to be, and to remain, a genuinely confessing Lutheran Christian.

Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions is a remarkable achievement in Lutheran publishing. In 800 beautifully presented pages, the reader will find helpful introductions, insightful notes and annotations, and helpful tools and guides to aid reading and comprehension. The dramatic history and heroic persons associated with the various documents in the Lutheran Confessions are brought to life.

The second edition offers several significant improvements including:

A summary of the nature and meaning of the Church’s commitment to the Lutheran Confessions.

New essays in the introduction which provide an overview of the textual issues and history of the Lutheran Confessions

Enhanced page layout features and design elements

An expanded timeline and general index.

The Book of Concord is the authoritative collection of the Lutheran Church’s statements of faith. It contains documents which Lutheran Christians have used since the sixteenth century to explain, defend, and advance their witness to the truth of God’s Word.

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