The Lion of Princeton

B. B. Warfield as Apologist and Theologian

Kim Riddlebarger



The Lion of Princeton: B. B. Warfield as Apologist and Theologian

Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology

Copyright 2015 Kim Riddlebarger

Lexham Press, 1313 Commercial St., Bellingham, WA 98225

All rights reserved. You may use brief quotations from this resource in presentations, articles, and books. For all other uses, please write Lexham Press for permission. Email us at

Print ISBN 978-1-57-799588-3

Digital ISBN 978-1-57-799589-0

Lexham Editorial Team: Lynnea Fraser, Katie Terrell

Cover Design: Jim LePage




1. The Heir to the Princeton Tradition

“The Pugilist”

A Very Productive Life (1851–1921)

Warfield’s Theological Legacy

2. The Wisdom of the Vulgar

Scottish Common Sense Realism and Princeton Theological Seminary

Thomas Reid and Scottish Common Sense Realism

Reid’s Scottish Successors—Stewart, Beattie, Brown, and Hamilton

James McCosh, John Witherspoon, and Princeton College

James McCosh and Intuitional Realism

3. New Testament Studies

Early Foundations

German Critical Methodology

Warfield’s Early Career

The New Science of Textual Criticism

Evaluating Warfield’s Critical Methodology

4. Apologetics

Warfield’s Continuing Influence

The Nature and Scope of Apologetics

The “Classical” Proofs for God’s Existence

The Resurrection as the Essential “Fact” of Christianity

The Doctrine of Inspiration

Epistemological Concerns

Assessment of Warfield’s Apologetics

5. Systematic Theology

Predecessors and Mentors

Two Major Essays on Systematic Theology

“The Idea of Systematic Theology”

“The Right of Systematic Theology”—The Problem with “Indifferent Latitudinarians”

The Task of the Theologian: Adding Ties and Rail to the Track

6. Didactics and Polemics

Stinging Rebukes

Qualms about the Emerging Fundamentalism

A Calvinistically Warped Mind—Warfield on John Miley’s Arminianism

Naysaying the “Coterie of Bible Teachers”

Evelyn Underhill’s Muddled Mysticism

Critique of Rationalism

A Formidable Polemicist

7. Contemporary Critics

Theological Range Wars

Cornelius Van Til’s Assessment

Other Important Assessments

Critiques by Mark Noll and George Marsden

Scottish Common Sense Philosophy and the Reformed Tradition

Natural Theology and Christian Evidences

Apologetic Forerunners

Faith, Reason, and the Holy Spirit

Closer to the Center of Reformed Tradition?


Subject and Author Index

Scripture Index


One writer states, “It is a deep privilege to salute mentors and friends who made the academic pilgrimage so meaningful.” My own pilgrimage began inauspiciously one night many years ago in a burger joint, when I engaged in my first-ever theological discussion with a real live theologian. The challenge given that night—that someone undertake a look at the relationship between the Princeton apologetic and Scottish Common Sense ...

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About The Lion of Princeton: B.B. Warfield as Apologist and Theologian

Kim Riddlebarger provides a biographical overview of B. B. Warfield’s life and traces the growing appreciation for Warfield’s thought by contemporary Reformed thinkers. Furthermore, he evaluates the fundamental structures in Warfield’s overall theology and examines Warfield’s work in the field of systematic theology.

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Table of Contents