The Logic of the Body

Retrieving Theological Psychology



The Logic of the Body: Retrieving Theological Psychology

Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology

Copyright 2020 Matthew A. LaPine

Lexham Press, 1313 Commercial St., Bellingham, WA 98225

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Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are the author’s own translation or are from ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Image on p. 54 is in the public domain.

Print ISBN 9781683594253

Digital ISBN 9781683594260

Library of Congress Number 2020943015

Lexham Editorial: Todd Hains, Lisa Eary, Elizabeth Vince, Abigail Stocker

Cover Design: Owen Craft

To Molly

We share everything, and this book is yours as much as mine







Theological Psychology: A Path Forward

Governing Assumption and Thesis

Methodology and Approach

Chapter Overview

Literature Review

Excursus: Passions and Affections

1 Emotional Voluntarism

The Explanation Dilemma

The Treatment Dilemma

Recovery Project

2 The Psychology of Thomas Aquinas

The Hylomorphic Powers of the Soul

Aquinas’s Physiology

Acts and Passions

Habit and Virtue


3 Developments in Medieval and Renaissance Psychology

The Nature of the Soul

The Functions of the Soul: The Ascendency of the Will in Action Theory


4 The Psychology of John Calvin

Calvin’s Sources

The Soul, the Body, and the Imago Dei

The Neglected Body

Substance and Immortality of the Soul


Calvin on the Will

Affections, Passions, and Virtue

Virtue and Vice

Historical Postscript

5 Modern Reformed Psychology

Reformed Theological Context

Embedded Psychological Assumptions

Reformed Formulations of Body and Soul


6 Book of Nature: Body and Soul

The State of the Soul in Review

Theological and Philosophical Arguments for Dualism

Theological and Philosophical Arguments for Monism

Thomistic Dualism

7 Book of Scripture: The Body in Biblical Theology

Biblical Theological Reflections on Human Agency

8 Book of Nature: Embodied Emotion

Setting the Stage: Emotion and Cognition

LeDoux’s New Model

A Model

The Subjective Logic

9 Book of Scripture: Commanding Emotion

Elliott’s Psychological Assumptions

An Alternate Reading of Matthew 6:25–34



Revisiting Mary

Six Theses on Therapy and Embodiment

Appendix: On the Heart


Subject/Author Index

Scripture Index

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About The Logic of the Body: Retrieving Theological Psychology

“Do not be anxious about anything.” When it comes to stress and worry, that’s all we really need to say, right? Just repent of your anxiety, and everything will be fine.

But emotional life is more complex than this.

In The Logic of the Body, Matthew LaPine argues that Protestants must retrieve theological psychology in order to properly understand the emotional life of the human person. With classical and modern resources in tow, LaPine argues that one must not choose between viewing emotions exclusively as either cognitive and volitional on the one hand, or simply a feeling of bodily change on the other. The two “stories” can be reconciled through a robustly theological analysis.

In a culture filled with worry and anxiety, The Logic of the Body offers a fresh path within the Reformed tradition.

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Table of Contents